The European Union will maintain a cooperative relationship with China, but it will be risky through diplomacy and will not follow the United States in the economy, but it will not be decoupled with China. However, it will review which aspect is too dependent on China.

The European Union in Indonesia and Brunei Ambassador Vincent Piket, on Thursday (May 4th) in the EU Ambassador Lecture Hall, gave a lecture on the eight Indonesian universities at the online live broadcast of the Internet.Views of Chinese relations.Piker also stationed in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau.

Picate said that the happy time of globalization has passed.He emphasized that this is not to say that globalization no longer exists, but that everyone must realize that in some areas, "everyone is too intertwined, and as a result, it makes a big country with sovereignty independence, and its toughness becomes too fragile."

He believes that the European Union must re -balance the relationship with China.In terms of economic relations and economic security, the EU must protect its own interests.Last year, the European Union's trade deficit was nearly 400 billion euros (about S $ 580 billion), which was more than double the previous year."This must be changed, and it can be changed. As long as China can let us enter its commodity and trade market and invest in it."

According to Piket, European countries also worry that Chinese state -owned enterprises buy strategic assets, high -tech companies, and logistics companies involving key infrastructure involving port railways."This is not a fair game. How to compete with a funded company?"

Picate revealed: "In the unfair competition with the funding companies, we have some new tools to protect us." He did not further clarify what tools were, and the lecture was not open to the general public.

In the lecture, Piker mentioned that Beijing's forced foreign companies to invest in China must transfer technology to transfer technology is unfair."We are opposed, not only related to our own interests, but also hinder European companies' investment decisions. In terms of chip and artificial intelligence, we believe that cooperation with China is not two -way."

In terms of political relations, Piker said that China has not criticized Russia to attack Ukraine, and if China respects the United Nations Charter, that is, the principles of sovereignty and peace, "China must take action to stop this war."

When talking about the Taiwan Strait Time Bureau, Piker said that the European Union has always pursued a Chinese principle. The EU insists that any changes in Taiwan should be peaceful and should not be carried out in military or other coercion methods."

British Foreign Minister Cleverly said in the UK last week that Britain also said that Britain opposes any unilateral force to change the current situation on both sides of the strait.Cleverly warns that if the war broke out, it would be human disasters, and no country could avoid affected.

Piker said that many international issues are indispensable for China, which also echoed Cleverly's speech.They all mentioned that they can cooperate with China in several aspects, including climate change and preventing epidemic diseases.

Picate said that in the Indian Pacific, especially East Asia is the center of the global economy. "The European Union's strategy in the Indo -Pacific region is a strategy that requires China to participate. China has a place in Asia. We need to cooperate with it anytime, anywhere."

Cleverly said that Britain's position in China is considered by many aspects. The United Kingdom should protect its national security and maintain consistent with friendly partners. When interests interact with China, trade and trade, and always defend the British hugs.Universal Value.