The mayor of New Taipei Hou Youyi on Thursday (March 16) posted on Facebook that the Kuomintang was on the current international situation and the internal affairs needed clean reforms.Hou Youyi rarely mentioned the international situation, reform and party issues.The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun responded that his position was the same as Hou Youyi, and he also opposed black gold.

Hou Youyi wrote on Facebook that he refused to appear in any political party and said that the people of Taiwan would not accept black gold to reproduce in any form.

He said that the interests of the "national" people will always surpass the party, and there is no individual.Political parties must not affect the interests of the "country" because of black gold. If the essence cannot be clear, it will be cast by the people.

He pointed out that at present, it is an important moment when the international situation is rising and the "national" internal affairs need clean reform. No political party must be abducted by black gold.To restore, the party (the Kuomintang) must quit and be cautious. We must rethink and go out of the right way with a correct attitude.

According to the China Times News Network, members of the Kuomintang Election Policy Council were included in the legislators Fu Kunzheng and Li Quanjiao, the Speaker of the former Tainan City.Hou Youyi posted on Facebook on Thursday that the political parties cannot affect the "national" interests due to black gold, and the essence cannot be brought away by the people.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun interviewed in an interview on Thursday that he had a telephone with Hou Youyi, consistent with the post -meaning position, that is, to oppose all black gold.

Zhu Lilun emphasized that the Kuomintang absolutely firmly anti -black gold stand, and every nominated candidate in 2024 will definitely be clear and true.The selection meeting has nothing to do with the constituencies to be primary. The main task is for the difficult constituencies of the central and southern parts. To help the Kuomintang find human materials, the selection meeting is to help solve the problem, not to create problems.accept.

Zhu Lilun also said that he had just passed the phone with Hou Youyi. The two of them had the same position. They insisted on firmly opposing all black gold.Long recommendation candidates to coordinate difficult constituencies, but the Kuomintang of Central and Northern Central and Northern China continues to carry out primary elections, and the local party department is responsible.