
Hunsheng Paper

The return of Beijing on a business trip, highway from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to the urban area, is also blocked during non -peak hours.

Delste driver couldn't help complaining: "When this road is so blocked!" I smiled bitterly, but it flashed a year ago at this moment: the same high -speed road, there are few vehicles, unimpeded.

Send this episode in the chat group. Friends living in Pudong exclaimed: "I just remembered that last year, our community started to seal the control on this day, and it has been a year ..." Another friend reposted news reports on Singapore's white paper in response to crown disease, lamenting: "Shanghai should also have such a white paper."

The Singapore government published a 90 -page white paper for crown disease last week. It summarizes the desirable and deficiencies in the past three years, and prepare for similar epidemic conditions in the future.As China ’s outbreak policies turned the first wave of epidemic, looking back at Shanghai a year ago, it caused this epidemic situation for the two months of the international metropolis to be more intersecting.

Before March last year, Shanghai also enjoys the title of "epidemic prevention model student".However, the mighty Omeck Rong mutant strains have made effective precise prevention and control measures in the past two years facing severe challenges.The addition of thousands of infected people in half a month caused Shanghai to question unprecedented public opinion and pressure to seal the city.

Until March 26 last year, two days before Pudong's entire region closed control, Wu Fan, a member of the expert group of the Shanghai Epidemic Prevention and Control Group and Deputy Dean of the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, also emphasized that the reason why Shanghai did notFengcheng is because Shanghai carries important functions in the economic and social development of the country; once the city stops, "the East China Sea will have a lot of international freighters drifting at sea, which will affect the economy of the entire country and the global economy."

From the "grid" sealing control in the community and the street, to the "shabu -shabu" seal with the borders of Huangpu River, and then to the city's sealing control, Shanghai step by step to prove that the official in the early stage is strongly controlled by the prevention of epidemic prevention and prevention countermeasures in the early stage.The influence of economic and society is also highlighted in front of the Omircor poisonous strain, which has a powerful communication power. Only a long time to seal the city can the epidemic be "clear".The "clear zero" policy was unsustainable, and it was verified when the outbreak of the Shanghai epidemic was outbreak.

In the early days of the outbreak of the Shanghai epidemic, scholars and observers still hope that this city with the richest medical resources and the highest level of management in China can get out of a new way to reference in other cities, and it has become the decision -making layer to adjust the "clear zero" policy.Test points.Unfortunately, Shanghai eventually embarked on the road of Wuhan in the early days of outbreak, so that the New York Times was described as a "medieval method" to deal with the epidemic.

Although Wu Fan's statement about Shanghai's unable to seal the city was overthrown a day, the judgment on the influence of Shanghai was confirmed.Two months in Fengcheng, the GDP in Shanghai fell by 5.7 % year -on -year in the first half of last year. It also dragged down the annual economy of 0.2 %. It also lived in only two economic aggressive provincial administrative regions with Jilin.At that time, the Chinese economy also increased by only 3 %, which was far lower than official goals for many years.

Those that impact more than the economy is the collapse of this international metropolis and the official credibility.The Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce estimates that more than 20 % of the Germans, French, and Italians have been evacuated after unblocking in Shanghai, and European companies' confidence in Shanghai's investment is also impacted.

After the surge in cases, medical pressure and economic suspension caused by the rapid turn of the epidemic prevention policy at the end of the year, if Shanghai has the opportunity to test "coexist with the virus" in the first half of the year, will the situation become different?Of course, Zhang Wenhong, an infectious disease expert who proposed "coexisting with the virus", has not attended the official epidemic conference since the end of March last year, and it also shows that before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, such an idea is difficult to have room for landing.

In just two months, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China announced at a meeting in mid -February announced that China's epidemic prevention and control achieved a "major decisive victory".China's official economic data announced this year this year also shows that after a short stop at the end of last year, the performance of various economic indicators has risen comprehensively.

Zhang Wenhong, who was bombarded by many netizens before the epidemic prevention policy, also attended the two sessions (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting) as representatives of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference last week, and accepted the media in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Whether the epidemic prevention policy has shifted from clearing from clear to liberalization, or the economy has shifted from a trough to recovery, China's changes are always faster than expected.Does this big country that has been looking forward really need a "white paper" to review gains and losses?

But I also remember that after the unblocking of Shanghai last year, Hongqiao Railway Station was crowded with people from Shanghai.A Henan girl said disappointed that after two months, she decided to never come to Shanghai in her life.After the fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang at the end of November, Shanghai became one of the earliest cities that broke out to protest and controlling activities.In the turbulent crowd of Urumqi, a young man told me that after experiencing the sealing city in the first half of the year, he could not remain silent about the encounter of other cities.

The Shanghai epidemic just passed the first anniversary, and the peak of China's outbreak was only three months.In the next road of recovery, there are many changes in the influence and expectations of the foreshadowing before, and need to be observed with the past.