As the policy effect gradually appears and the housing demand is further released, the sales price of 70 large and medium -sized cities in China in February is generally overwhelming in February.Raise, End 18 months of decline."NotChina National Statistics Bureau website released data on Thursday (March 16), and the sales price of commercial housing in first, second and third -tier cities rose in February.The sales prices of newly -built commercial housing and second -hand housing rose 55 and 40 cities month -on -month, respectively, adding 19 and 27 respectively over the previous month.NotData show that the sales price of new commercial housing in first -tier cities rose 0.2%month -on -month, and the sales prices of second -hand housing rose 0.7%month -on -month.The sales prices of new commercial housing in second -tier cities rose 0.4%month -on -month, and the sales prices of second -hand housing decreased from 0.3%to 0.1%month -on -month.The sales price of new commercial housing in third -tier cities decreased from 0.1%to 0.3%from the previous month, and the sales price of second -hand housing decreased from 0.4%to the previous month.NotThe data also shows that the sales prices of commercial housing in first -tier cities have increased year -on -year, and the decline in second- and third -tier cities has narrowed year -on -year.NotIn terms of, the sales prices of new commercial housing in first -tier cities rose 1.7%year -on -year, and the sales prices of second -hand housing rose by 1.0%year -on -year.The sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand housing in second -tier cities decreased by 0.7%and 2.9%year -on -year.The sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand housing in third -tier cities decreased by 3.3%and 4.4%year -on -year.NotBloomberg reports, And the construction industry accounted for 13%in the Chinese economy last year.Chinese regulatory agencies have increased financial support for real estate developers and reducing housing loan interest rates. The restrictions on housing restrictions in large cities such as Shanghai and many other large cities have also relaxed.

Kerry Real Estate's preliminary data shows that China Top 100 real estate companies 2The monthly sales trading amount increased by 14.9%year -on -year to RMB 461.6 billion (about S $ 90.3 billion), which was the first time since June 2021 recorded a year -on -year growth, becoming another sign of improvement in the property market.