Due to the strong economic data in the first two months, Goldman Sachs Group has raised China's GDP growth forecast to 6%this year.

According to the report of the Ming Dynasty, Goldman Sachs issued the latest report on Thursday (March 16) that the first two -month real estate market has improved substantial improvement, which is good with other economic data. ThereforeIn the first quarter and the annual GDP growth forecast, it raised from 2.7%and 5.5%to 4%and 6%.

Goldman Sachs lowered the forecast of China's GDP growth in 2024 at the same time, from 5%to 4.6%.

The report said that after the Chinese epidemic restarted, the first two months of the data was significantly improved compared to December last year.Social retail, especially the service industry output index, has increased in these two months, mainly due to the strong recovery of the industry that has been hit by the epidemic.The growth of fixed asset investment has also further accelerated from December, an increase of more than market expectations.

The report states that because of the introduction of many loosening measures and delayed demand for house purchase, the real estate data of Chinese real estate has generally improved, so the bank decided to raise the GDP of the first quarter and the whole year of the year this year.predict.

The macro data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Wednesday shows that the major economic indicators in the first two months of this year have improved from December last year.In the first two months, retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 3.5%year -on -year, of which the revenue of catering rebounded strongly, an increase of 9.2%year -on -year.The decline in real estate sales area and development investment has narrowed significantly, especially in terms of residential sales, a slight increase of 3.5%year -on -year, reversing the decline of 28.3%in 2022.