In response to the exposure of Chinese media, some confinement centers in Guangzhou are suspected of false propaganda and provide surrogacy services.It responded that no illegal medical activities were found after the investigation.NotSPAN> According to Guangdong Satellite TV on Wednesday (March 15), when a reporter undercover Guangzhou Jianglan March Confinement Center, a nurse revealed that the confinement center provided customers with surrogacy services.Not Related videos spread online, causing widespread discussion among netizens and boarding on Weibo.Not Article 3 of the Management Measures for Human Assistance Reproductive Technology issued by China in 2001 stipulates that medical institutions and medical staff shall not implement any form of surrogacy technology

On the 16th) In the early morning, a announcement stated that > The Guangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission organized a city and district health supervision team overnight, and jointly conducted a verification of the relevant confinement centers in the area of public security, market supervision, and streets in the jurisdiction.NotIt is said that after a preliminary investigation, the Liwan District Jianglan March Child Center involved in the report was suspected of having a license that has not obtained a medical institution and provided diagnosis and treatment services for mothers without obtaining a medical institution.Whether the agency has the problem of providing surrogacy services is further investigating with relevant departments.NotAlso said that for the remaining two confinement centers involved in the report, no illegal medical activities were found on the spot inspection.