Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the Chinese Permanent Representative of the United Nations, said that the results of the dialogue between the Saudi Arabia and the Iranian delegation in Beijing will be favorable for the improvement of the situation in Yemen.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Geng Shuang said on Wednesday (March 15) at the Security Council ’s Yemen public meeting that the current safety situation in Yemen is still fragile.It has been more than five months of interruption and disconnection, and some areas have occurred from time to time.China has called for the conflict to maintain calm restraint to avoid taking mutual trust and manufacturing intense actions.

Geng Shuang said that the humanitarian situation is still severe.At the same time, many aid projects in Yemen in Yemen faced the risk of shutdown due to insufficient funds.China has called on the international community to increase investment in Yemen's humanitarian and development to provide sufficient funds for the United Nations in Aiyamen.China calls on relevant parties to lift unreasonable restrictions on UN's humanitarian operations.

Geng Shuang said that the conversation negotiation is the only reality of solving the Yemen problem.China has called on the issue of Yemen's issues that all parties to adhere to the political solution. They focus on the interests of the people of Yemen, fully show their political will, and actively actively.The international community should work hard to create a good atmosphere.China appreciates the persuasion and talks of the Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc., fully affirmed the efforts of the special envoy of the United Nations Yemenistan, and look forward to the constructive role of countries that have influential countries in Yemen.

Geng Shuang said that the Saudi Arabia and the Iranian delegation held a conversation in Beijing last week and achieved important results, announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries.This achievement provides good news for the current turbulent world, injects positive factors for promoting regional peace, stability and unity cooperation, and hopes that it can also create favorable conditions for the improvement of the situation in Yemen.The Beijing dialogue is the success of diplomacy, the victory of peace, and the vivid practice of "global security initiative" proposed by Chinese leaders.China is willing to make unremitting efforts with the international community to continue to solve the issue of Yemen and maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.

After Iran and Saudi Arabia held talks in Beijing, China, it was announced on the 10th of this month to establish diplomatic relations and reopen the embassy.

Saudi Arabia executing a Shiitian Muslim clergysty, which led to the attack on the embassy in Tehran, and therefore broke her diplomatic relations with Iran in 2016.Iran is the main Shiite Muslim country in the Middle East, while Saudi Arabia is an oil export giant in this region and a major Sunni Muslim country. It supports both opposite sides in the agent war in Yemen, Syria and other places.