(Taipei Comprehensive News) Qiu Guozheng, Minister of Defense of Taiwan, said that Taiwanese soldiers who have disappeared on Erdan Island in Kinmen have been determined to be in mainland China.The father of the soldiers surnamed Chen had confirmed his identity, and the related wanted procedures were in progress.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Zhongshi News reported that Qiu Guozheng was asked by the media on Wednesday (March 15) that the latest progress of the case pointed out that the military has not yet been concluded for the disappearance case, and any details must be confirmed by the upward soldiers.EssenceHe said that the outside world accepted the criticism of the Taiwan Army, but it was not good.

The superior soldiers surnamed Chen disappeared on March 9. By the 15th day of the 15th, the military should issue a fugitive notice according to law, and the local procuratorate will also issue wanted.Qiu Guozheng said that if people do not see people within 24 hours, they will be issued, and then they can be issued in five days.He added that the current military law has no way to issue a wanted order directly. The process is still ongoing through the gendarmerie team and the Golden Gate Procuratorate.

It is reported that the surnamed Chen was wearing a life jacket to travel to the camp, but the Taiwan army reported that there was no shortage of life jackets.Qiu Guozheng will continue to investigate, and emphasizes that there is no problem with the military's firearms and ammunition stocks, and other equipment and other equipment are not small.

As for whether the Taiwan Army considers the military deployment of the two bile island, Qiu Guozheng said that the two bile island is not as big as the two bile island, the position of the post is regularly adjusted, and said that "the era of replacing the entire troops has passed."