The National Health and Health Commission of China plans to regulate the service of family consumption points, and it is clear that the number of rendezens does not exceed five.

According to the website of the China National Health and Health Commission's website on Wednesday (March 15), the Division of the Population and Family Division of the Health and Health Commission publicly solicited opinions on the management measures (trial) (trial) (draft for comments).

Soliciting comments draft mentioned that the family care point refers to the use of residential use, providing places for childcare services such as full -day, half -day care, timing, temporary trust, etc.The number should not exceed five.

The opinion draft mentioned that the hosting site of the family should comply with the relevant provisions of the local government's residential registration as the operating place, and apply to the market supervision department to apply for registration in accordance with the law.Family nursery points should provide baby and young children with life care, safety care, balanced diet and early learning opportunities to promote the healthy development of infants and young children.Each caregiver takes up to three infants and young children.Per capita construction area of infants and young children should not be less than 9㎡.The childcare point should be set up to the video security monitoring system to monitor the preservation period of the surveillance data.

The number of births in China has declined year by year. In order to reduce the pressure of young people for childbearing age, at the National CPPCC held last week, Zhang Yifang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the deputy head of the Shanghai Fengxian District, submitted it.Further promoting a proposal to further promote the construction of family care sites to reduce the pressure of nursing age of childbearing age.Zhang Yifang suggested that it will formulate and introduce relevant policies and standardized documents to promote the construction and development of family care sites as soon as possible, incorporate the construction of family custody points into the government guidance and supervision system, and accelerate the professional construction of family care services.