中国央视3月9日(星期四)在报道A quoting a crew of the Shandong ship said, "In the near future, we will go to the deep blue blue with the Liaoning ship formation." Chinese military experts said on Friday (10th) that the Shandong ship already has the conditions of the distant sea.In the near future, the island chain will be out of the island chain to the Pacific Ocean.At the same time, the Shandong ship and the Liaoning ship may be combined with double ships to launch the training of dual aircraft carrier formation, which will be more conducive to safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests.

CCTV military reports mentioned in a report on Thursday that last year, the Shandong ship passed the test of the established combat capability as scheduled and obtained a "pass" for combat reserve training.The report also quoted Dai Jianfang, the deputy minister of a certain department of the Navy Shandong Ship, saying, "As more and more war tactics have experienced tactics, we have become more and more full of deep blue." According to Dai JianfangThe core combat capability is that the Shandong ship "from the increase in the maximum displacement of the single wave to the breakthrough of the maximum displacement in the unit time is not only the change of numbers, but also the improvement of combat effectiveness. It is also the improvement of combat effectiveness. It is also the improvement of combat effectiveness., Explore the hard exploration and trek beyond self. "

It is reported that the development of the Liaoning ship is a" ship "for ten years, and the leap of the Shandong ship entered the fast track.In 2012 and 2019, the two aircraft carriers joined the people's navy battle sequence. Between the sea and the sky, a "Bi, learning, catching, gang, and super" of the aircraft carrier was launched.

According to the Global Times, Chinese military expert Song Zhongping said in an interview that on the aircraft carrier, various positions, including carrier -based aircraft pilots, need to be trained in accordance with the training courses stipulated in the outline.Evaluation, hold a certificate.Once the training and assessment are completed in accordance with the regulations, and the certificate is held, it means that all the crew members on the aircraft carrier have the "pass" of combat reserve training.Public permit.

Song Zhongping said that no matter which aircraft carrier is, it will definitely go out of the sea, near the shore towards the sea, and ocean."From the information reported by CCTV, the Shandong ship will go out of the island chain in the near future, go to the Pacific Ocean, and even the Indian Ocean. In particular, a key information worthy of notice is that the Shandong ship and the Liaoning ship may be combined to create a double aircraft carrier to create a double aircraft carrierThe combat effectiveness and guarantee of the combat group is a very important information. "

He believes that if the two aircraft carrier jointly conducts training, it will achieve the effect of" 1 + 1 greater than 2 ", which will make China China's’s own.The combat effectiveness and guarantee of the aircraft carrier battle group will bring greater help to maintaining national sovereignty, security and development benefits.

The first Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong ship was listed on December 17, 2019. So far, no Shandong ship is out of the Pacific training in the Western Pacific in public reports.In comparison, the first aircraft carrier Liaoning ship was listed on September 25, 2012. On December 24, 2016, more than four years later, the Liaoning ship formation went to the Western Pacific Sea for the first time to conduct the long sea training.