The China Logistics and Purchasing Federation released data on the 5th that the Chinese commodity index (CBMI) in February was 102.8%, which was the highest point in the past five months, up 2.4 percentage points from last month, indicating that ChinaThe operation situation of the commodity market began to recover, and the industry's operating conditions improved.

According to the China News Agency, the supply index and the sales index have stopped falling and rebounding in each sub -item index.In February, the commodity supply index rose 3.8 percentage points from the previous month to 103.4%, rising to the highest since March 2021. It shows that as the price of commodity rises, corporate profits have been repaired, and production enthusiasm has risen.

At the same time, as the impact of the epidemic has basically disappeared and the Spring Festival is over, the movement of personnel returns to normal, and normal production and life will be guaranteed.In addition, the logistics operation is clearly unobstructed, which better guarantee the stable development of raw materials procurement and production activities of production enterprises.Among the major commodities, the supply of iron ore, coal, non -ferrous metals and chemicals bottomed out, and the supply of steel, refined oil and automobiles continued to increase, and the growth rate accelerated.

The commodity sales index rose to 102.7%in February. The index rebounded to the highest point in the past five months.It is being repaired, the sales situation of the product is active, and the enterprise order organization is gradually smoother.

The commodity inventory index was 102.2%in February, a 1.2 percentage point from the previous month. It shows that as the demand is repaired, the growth rate of the commodity market in China has slowed down, and the pressure of commodity inventory has eased.EssenceHowever, overall, the inventory of the commodity market in China has been on the rise for four consecutive months, and it is more difficult to invent inventory.

Analysis believes that with the advent of the peak consumption season, the Chinese commodity market has basically passed the previous downturn.The pressure of the supply side still exists, but with the further efforts of demand and the continuous improvement of the macroeconomic environment, the foundation of the Chinese commodity market continues to warm up, and the market operation will continue to improve.