The Chinese government's work report states that the current development of China faces many difficulties in difficulties, the external environmental uncertainty has increased, and external targets are constantly increasing.

National People's Congress Sunday (March 5) , Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang does government work workReport.

Report mentioned that China is a major development country, still in the primary stage of socialism, and the problem of imbalance in development is still prominent; the current development is facing many difficult challenges;Inflation is still high, the worldwide economic and trade growth momentum has weakened, and external targets are constantly increasing.

However, Li Keqiang read only the report at the opening meeting, and did not read the expressions such as "external containment continuously".

The report also mentioned that China's domestic economic growth is still consolidated to stabilize the foundation, and insufficient demand is still highlighting contradictions. Private investment and private enterprises are unstable.The task of stabilizing employment is arduous, and some grass -roots fiscal revenue and expenditure contradictions are relatively large.

The report also states that there are many hidden risks in the real estate market, and some small and medium -sized financial institutions are exposed; there are still many institutional mechanism obstacles in development; scientific and technological innovation capabilities are not strong; ecological environmental protection is far away; disaster prevention and mitigation, etc.There are still obvious weak links in urban and rural infrastructure.

It also admits during the report that there are many shortcomings in the field of people's livelihood, and the phenomenon of formalism and bureaucracy is still relatively prominent.In chaos, one -fighting one, there are problems that have problems such as being separated from reality, violating the wishes of the masses, and disregarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses; some areas, industries, and local corruption have occurred from time to time.