Li Keqiang reads the last government work report during his term, and the audience applauded for 37 seconds.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Sunday (March 5) read the last government work report during his term, and the audience sounded for nearly 37 seconds.

Li Keqiang has stepped down as the Standing Committee of the Politburo after the Communist Party of China in October last October. His post of prime minister will also make a stick after the National Congress (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting).

On Sunday morning, The National People's Congress opened , Li Keqiang read the government's work in 53 minutes.Summary of the report.This is his last government work report during his 10 -year prime minister.

After he read the last sentence: "In order to build our country into a unremitting struggle for the modernization of socialist modernization, the harmonious and beautiful socialist modernization of China!"Li Keqiang also applauded and responded, and then bowed towards the center of the platform to the platform and the podium.

He walked back to his seat and bowed to the venue again before sitting, and did not interact with others.