The price of the essential drug in the basic public health system rose from 0.35 yuan/branch to 98.76 yuan/branch, a price increase of nearly 282 times.In this regard, Lei Dongzhu, a representative of the National People's Congress of China and secretary of the Party Committee of the First People's Hospital of Luzhou City, suggested that China should improve the emergency rescue drug supply system.

According to the surging news report, Lei Dongzhu said on September (March 4): "Some of the shorts of shortage medicines for centralized procurement, such as the original price of Demamone (injection) of 0.35 yuan/branch, 2022The annual increase to 98.76 yuan/branch, the price increase is nearly 282 times. How much burden do you see? "

In response to the high price of current shortage drugs, Lei Dongzhu proposed to improve the drug supply system and ensure medical care.Suggestions for reasonable medication.She suggested that homogeneity and the same price multi -supply model to ensure the supply of national collection of drugs; accelerate the coverage of similar drugs, strictly block high -priced drug loopholes; introduce normalized regulatory drug prices in policies, and achieve shortage of drugs for stable prices.

Introduction to Lei Dongzhu, there are currently three major problems in drug supply guarantee.First, China ’s national collection of drugs is insufficient and the masses have poor medication.The prices of integrated drugs have dropped sharply, the profit of distribution companies has decreased significantly, and the enthusiasm for distribution is not high. Some drug manufacturers have adjusted production capacity, which leads to shortage of supply in some drugs, and cannot meet clinical needs, such as hydrochloric acid mitigarium mild release tablets, right Specon tablets, etc.drug.Delivery companies only meet the equipment of large public hospitals. Primary hospitals, communities, and social pharmacies are insufficient. A large number of elderly diseases and chronic diseases need to go to large public hospitals to buy medicines.The medical burden of outpatient hospitals in public hospitals.

The second is that China ’s collection of drugs is incomplete.When the drug concentrated band purchases are implemented, some drugs do not fully cover all similar products, such as the inhibitors for injection, and the price of Ome Litzole (Rufu, 40mg) is only 1.114 yuan/The branches are not included in the injection of sodium (20 mg) for injection of the procurement of measuring volume, reaching 83.99 yuan/bottle, and the price difference is more than 70 times.Not only does it increase the financial burden on patients, but it also increases the difficulty of managing the management of the hospital's reasonable medication.

Third is that some drugs have increased significantly, increasing the burden of medication for patients.The prices of basic drugs in some countries, through consistency evaluation, and shortage drugs (emergency rescue drugs) have increased significantly, increasing the burden of medication.For example, the original price of Sym Songson injection (1ml: 5mg) was 0.35 yuan/branch, which increased to 98.76 yuan/support in 2022. Based on the cost of 144,700 in 2021 in Luzhou First People's Hospital.The burden of patients will be increased by 1.4.24 million yuan.Some medicines increased the price in disguise in disguise in the dosage form.The efficacy of the two is exactly the same, but the price is more than ten times the difference.

She said: "Because these urgent rescue drugs, shortage drugs have no centralized procurement, manufacturers have increased prices, and there is no relevant supervision. Therefore, I think that for these shorts of shortage drugs, the state must guarantee it.Supervision.

She made three suggestions.First, the same price and the same price of the same price to ensure the supply of drugs for national collection.Second, accelerate the coverage of similar drugs and strictly block high -priced drug loopholes.Third, the normalized regulatory drug prices are introduced to achieve short drug guarantee and stable price.