China Two Sessions 2023

China National People's Congress Wang Chao, a new spokesperson, said that China's military expenses increased for complicated and security challenges and complicated security challenges, as wellThe needs of fulfilling the responsibility of the great country.He evaluated that the proportion of China's military expenditure accounted for the proportion of GDP (GDP) has been basically stable for many years, not only lower than the world average, but also "more moderate and reasonable."

China National People's Congress Sunday (March 5) will hold an eight and a half -day annual meeting.Wang Chao, a spokesman for the new National People's Congress, appeared at the press conference of the National People's Congress at noon (March 4) at noon on Saturday (March 4).

The increase in China's military expenditure expenditure has always been a hot spot at the press conference of the National People's Congress.Wang Chao, who took over the spokesman this year, continued the approach since 2013, and did not announce the national defense budget and military expenses at the press conference.

Wang Chao pointed out that the representatives of the National People's Congress are about to review the draft budget, and the specific number of national defense budgets "can be known at that time."

Faced with the increasingly tense surrounding security situation, the budget of China's military expenditure in 2022 was 14.555 trillion yuan (S $ 282.5 billion), the growth rate increased by 0.3 percentage points from 2021 to 7.1 %.%.

Wang Chao said that China's military modernization will not pose a threat to any country, but is the positive force that maintains regional stability and world peace.

Wang Chao answered a total of 10 questions at the press conference, more than one -third is related to foreign military military.

Asked whether Chinese diplomacy will become more and more aggressive, Wang Chao did not answer directly, only saying that China insists on maintaining world peace and on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, and develop friendly cooperation with various countries.

In June 2021, the National People's Congress Standing Committee passed anti -foreign sanctions to provide legal basis for anti -foreign sanctions against Chinese unilateral sanctions.

Wang Chao does not name it on Saturday to criticize the United States that frequently abuses domestic law and is applicable to foreign entities and individuals, saying that China has introduced anti -foreign sanctions laws to counter them.It is justified and necessary.

Wang Chao also evaluated Sino -European relations, reiterated that the two sides did not have fundamental strategic differences and conflicts. In recent years, some people rendered that China -Europe is an "institutional opponent" and the noise "Chinese challenge" and "Chinese threat" are because of the Cold War thinking.And ideological prejudice is to serve your own private interest.

Although the Ukrainian war has not been named, Wang Chao expressed his hope that Europe and China would have promoted political solution to international and regional hotspots and made greater contributions to world peace and development.

China is committed to helping Africa slow down debt pressure

Inquiring about the "Belt and Road" initiative in China to create a "debt trap" in Africa, Wang Chao emphasized that China has always been committed to helping Africa to slow down debt pressure and actively participating in the Twenty Group (G20) slow debt initiative and individual cases.Debt handling.

The Hong Kong National Security Law was introduced for two years, Wang Chao said that since the implementation of the National Security Law, the system and mechanism of maintaining national security has been continuously improved, and the situation in Hong Kong has achieved a major turning point from chaos to governance.