Weibo "Big V" Jiang Ruxiang mentioned in a comment published by the short video platform Douyin that the vocabulary such as "Prostitute Congliang" was sued.According to reports, the court determined that Jiang Ruxiang had infringed the right to reputation and ordered him to publicly issue a statement of apology.

据财新网报道,姜汝祥2020年8月左右在微博上发布了多条贴文,并在其中对抖音及其运营团队进行了评论,包括“不要忘了,Connotation Duanzi and Douyin were done by the same team of the same boss. There is no problem with prostitutes Congliang. But Mr. Zhang Yiming, don't you pretend to be a model of morality? "," Why is the algorithm of Douyin and the headline making spiritual opium?Chinese minors are mentally retarded "and" I reveal the short videos of Douyin. The video content involves yellow and sells fake aphrodisiacs.P> In this regard, Douyin's operating main body micro -broadcasting company sued Jiang Ruxiang from the Beijing Internet Court in July 2021 and Beijing Micro Meng Company, the operating subject of Weibo.

It is reported that the Beijing Internet Court trial believes that the law stipulates that civil subjects have the right to reputation.Any organization or individual shall infringe the reputation of others in an insult or slander.

The Beijing Internet Court made the first trial judgment on September 30, 2022: within 10 days from the date of effectiveness of the judgment, Jiang Ruxiang publicly published an apology to the micro -broadcasting company on his Weibo account for 7 consecutive days.Disclaimer; compensate the micro -broadcasting company for a reasonable expenditure of 20,000 yuan (about S $ 4,000).

However, Jiang Ruxiang refused to accept the first trial judgment and appealed to the fourth intermediate court in Beijing; the Beijing Fourth Intermediate People's Court rejected Jiang Ruxiang's appeal in January this year and maintained the original sentence.

For this result, Jiang Ruxiang told that he could not accept it.He said that he was preparing to apply for a retrial and believed that his dispute with the micro -broadcasting company was not a "private grievance". It is believed that the case would arouse the attention of the society's attention to criticism of large companies.

Jiang Ruxiang is a master of economics, scholars in economics and sociology of Peking University, and a scholar. He has served as guests in the CCTV Finance Channel dialogue and other columns. He has published many works.