British officials announced that Elken Tuniazi, deputy secretary of the party committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and chairman of the district government, may visit the UK next week.However, the British government emphasized that all talks with Tuniazi will be used to discuss the issue of human rights by Xinjiang.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Bloomberg reported that the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister Leo Dochery told Congress on Thursday (February 9) that Tuniazi might visit the UK next week to the UK, But Britain has not confirmed whether Tuniazi has become a run.

He also made it clear that Britain did not invite him to visit, so Tuniazi would not meet with any ministerial official, but he might meet with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Duo Titian predicts that Tuniaz will enter the country with diplomatic passports because he has not received a visa.

Duo Tite said, "We judge that this is an opportunity to send a very strong information to the person participating in Xinjiang." "We must prepare diplomatic channels to achieve this goal.We are going to arrange a meeting. "He emphasized that any talks with Tuniazi will be used to "absolutely clearly indicate the British that the British suffer deeply against the Uighurs."

The British Guardian first quoted the email report from the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Tuniazi will visit the UK and Brussels next week to meet with the "Stakeholders" to discuss the situation in Xinjiang, butThe report did not explain whether Tuniazi chose to visit itself.

When the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked about it on Thursday, he also said that he did not have relevant news.

The United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries have always accused the Chinese government's measures to implement human rights in Xinjiang, including the implementation of forced labor, torture and free detention for Muslim minority personnel in the region.But the Chinese government denied these allegations.

Tuniaz was sanctioned by the United States in 2021.The US Treasury Department pointed out at the time that during Tuniaz, more than 1 million -dimensional mini -ethnic minorities were detained in Xinjiang.The British Parliament also passed a statement of non -binding statement last year, saying that Xinjiang is implementing anti -human crimes and racial extinction.

Bloomberg reported that British Prime Minister Sunak was facing the pressure of some Conservative MPs and was asked to take a tough route to China.This emotion is also reflected in the parliament on Thursday.Former British Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said Tuniazi's visit would be "publicity to defend the Chinese government."