Foshan, Taiwan Foguangshan, which enjoys a high reputation in the Buddhist world, opens mountains.Master Zong Chang Xingyun died on Sunday (February 5) in the afternoon and enjoyed 97 years old.

Li Guoshen, the star of the nebula, was born in Jiangsu River. Since the age of five, he has a vegetarian grandmother who believes in Buddhism. At the age of 12, he became a monk at the Qixiashan Temple in Nanjing and embarked on the road of Buddhism.

Graduated from Jiao Mountain Buddhist College in 1947.Two years later, the Communist Party of China was fierce. Nebula came to Taiwan with the monk's ambulance team to start the journey of passing from Taiwan.In 1967, he created Foguang Mountain in Kaohsiung, established the purpose of "promoting the Dharma with culture, cultivating talents with education, and charitable welfare society, and to cultivate people's hearts with the purpose of purifying people's hearts."

The so -called "human Buddhism" is to emphasize that people can do something in their lives, dedicate to society and others, and enlighten the Tao through "practical practice".Compared with other Buddhist dors, the method of Nebula is closer to worldly human needs, which is also a great contribution to the tradition of Buddhist thought.

After creating the Foguang Mountain, Nebula launched a diversified operation, involved in culture, education, charities, and media, and created more than 300 temples around the world, and founded the Buddhist academies, art museums, libraries, publishing, publishingSociety and Bookstore.

In recent years, healthy red lights

In recent years, Master Nebula's healthy red light has been admitted to the hospital for many times.

In 2011, he was sent to the doctor for first aid due to the ischemic brain stroke, and he recovered well after surgery. In July 2016, he suffered from diabetes and caused the eyeball calcification and his vision was getting worse.Life.In October of the same year, the 90 -year -old nebula was admitted to the hospital due to the hemorrhagic stroke, and the blood clot was removed by brain surgery.

Before the Lunar New Year this year, Master Nebula lived in the intensive care unit, and he was admitted to the hospital for about three weeks. It only left the hospital on Sunday (5th) in the afternoon. At about 5 pm, it was silent on Foguang Mountain.The people around Nebula revealed, "He returned to the place where he thought, and walked very peacefully."

Nebula is open -minded to life and death. As early as 85, he pre -established a will. He described his life with a lot of destiny, his understanding of life and death, his perception of life, his expectations and love for Buddhism.He named the will with sincere confession.

The will say that the personal property of Nebula is about 20 million Taiwan dollars (about S $ 880,000), all of which have donated public welfare trust education funds.The assets belonging to Foguangshan were not his. He didn't even leave a piece of paper.

The mourning of Taiwanese politicians

After Master Nebula's silence, politicians from the blue and green battalions in Taiwan have posted documents and remembering.

Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen thinks about the dedication of Taiwan, society, and Buddhism. I believe that his compassionate friendship and spiritual spirit will have the spirit of the world forever.Lai Qingde, the vice president of Taiwan, who is also chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, said that the influence of Nebula is spreading all over the world, and the good deeds of the nebula, praying for the good thoughts of the master, and continuing the sentient beings.

The mayor of Taipei, the mayor of the Kuomintang, said that he was very sad to see Master Nebula's silence.He said that Nebula mentioned that the thinking must be internationalized and modernized in several occasions, and it is also specially mentioned on several occasions that if you do things, you must be brave and respect for people."These wisdoms that are in mind whether these are in private or public affairs."

It is criticized as "political monk"

Master Nebula and Master of Nebula.Political figures are closely involved in political events, and they were once called "political monks" by criticisms.

In addition to being a religious leader, Nebula is also a member of the Kuomintang Party. He used to be the Kuomintang Party consultant, the central standing member, and the central review committee.He once responded to the outside world's criticism of the party's acceptance of the party, and explained that "'accepting' is very good to Buddhism and means that Buddhism is valued by the government; not accepting it means that the individual is very high.Don't consider personal interests too much. "

But the identity of the Kuomintang party members does not affect the long -term walking between blue and green.In 2000, Taiwan's rotation appeared for the first time, and Chen Shui -bian of the Democratic Progressive Party was elected in Taiwan.When he visited Foguang Mountain, he asked Nebula to restore the original mountain gate that was originally sealed in 1996. After several considerations, Nebula agreed and was considered friendly to Chen Shui -bian.However, during the 2006 "Bian Bian" campaign, Nebula publicly called on Chen Shui -bian to step down and was regarded as a movement of Zhenglan.

Ma Ying -jeou caminated the president in 2008, and Nebula also supported each other. Before the election vote, he called for "I hope everyone will help Ma Ying -jeou find a job."In 2015, Nebula also publicly praised Tsai Ing -wen as a "mother -in -law", saying that Cai Yingwen would be elected president.

Nebula has always been not avoided in public on politics, cross -strait development and public issues.In the face of the criticism of monks, in an interview with the media, Nebula asked: "Do you say that the family, why is it involved in politics? I am a citizen, and I have no public rights. Why can't I be patriotic?Soldiers, I have to pay taxes, and I have to go to elections. Why can't I express morality and virtue and energy? This is our responsibility. "

From beginning to end, Nebula believes that care for politics does not mean that the politics does not mean that politics doesEssenceHe wrote in his diary that he was glad to accept the position of "Central Comments Member" on behalf of the Buddhist community, so that the public understands the government's wise and fairness; let the government know that the Buddhist community has power and talents, so religious attitude towards politics holds the attitude towards politics.Non -participation, non -evading, is to ask politics and not intervene.

There are often exchanges with the leaders of mainland China

Master Nebula is also closely related to mainland China.Mainland leaders met.Some people say that Nebula is a rare monk who can meet with generations of Chinese leaders and narrate sincerely.

Nebula wrote in the Centennial Centennial Buddhist Period — Social Period, he first organized the "International Buddhist Promotion Association to explore relatives" in the United States in March 1989.Meet with local officials.

On this trip, Nebula met with then Chinese President Yang Shangkun.Nebula told Yang Shangkun at the time that it is best not to say the phrase "do not rule out force with force", because the world hopes to be peaceful, and the scary of civil attack will cause people to the world to have a bad impression on the mainland.

Yang Shangkun stated at the time that this sentence was not used to deal with the Kuomintang, but to cope with other parties. It was afraid that when the Kuomintang could not fight in the future, the Communist Party had a reserve plan to solve the problem.Xingyun wrote in an autobiography: "I felt at the time that other parties did not have a climate in Taiwan, and there should be no such masterpieces. But then I also felt Yang Shangkun's vision, and it can be seen that they still have a great research on Taiwan."

In the 1990s, Nebula returned to visit relatives for the first time.Later, Jiang Zemin, then the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, used 16 words "Sign signed by Nebula, jointly welcomed, worshiped together, and absolutely safe."

Since then, Nebula and Jiang Zemin have met at least three times.When he recalled the second time he saw Jiang Zemin, he said, "He is also very happy to talk to me about Buddhism."Shangguan News reported that in February 2014, Nebula was invited to visit the group with Taiwan to Beijing to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Diaoyutai.The next day, the delegation visited the former State President Hu Jintao.Soon, Nebula went to Yangzhou and met with Jiang Zemin again.

According to the China Review Agency, when Xi Jinping saw Master Nebula in February 2014, Xi Jinping said specially: "The master of the master sent me, I read all."BeMake a century -old Buddha.

Divide cross -strait exchanges

Nebula once said that it is because of the troubles of "Taiwan independence" because of their troubles, and the pain of sharing charcoal has been in the heart. Therefore, he advocates cross -strait peace.Because the war is unimaginable.

He also stated that his wish is that the leaders on both sides of the strait can pay more attention to the functions of Chinese culture and Buddhism purifying people's hearts, so that Buddhism will bring harmony and peace to the people of the country and society.

In an interview with Taiwan's vision magazines, Nebula used to metaphorize cross -strait relations with "playing basketball" and "falling in love"."It is reasonable to the mainland."

Some people say that the involvement and comments of nebulas for politics have created a precedent in the religious community in Taiwan.For the critics of the critics, the title of "political monk" was consciously aggrieved in the early years, and later they were also open -minded.He said that it was called "political monk", "it means that I am very powerful and do not give up any sentient beings; but this is a fame, just don't take care of it."Being able to wander in blue and green and both sides of the strait, this admirable religious leader believes that not only the power, but also the great wisdom that many people do not have.