The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Xu Baoyi, who had fallen in January last year, greeted the staff of the bidding agent in the middle grain storage and helped a bidding company into a list of grain storage bidding agencies.He was also accused of using the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of food flow storage operations and the determination of storage and storage points, and received more than 1,300 million yuan in bribes.

The CPC Central Discipline Inspection Commission has reported typical illegal cases in the field of grain purchase and sales more than a year. Among them, Xu Baoyi, deputy general manager of China Storage Grain Bara, interfered and intervened in the bidding agent of grain business, and received more than 13 million yuan in bribes (RMB, the same below, about 2.53 million new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new.Yuan) Waiting for the case, heralding the "food tiger" for one year, the case may soon start trial.

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that grain reserves are important areas related to the livelihood of the country and the people's livelihood, and it is also an important part of national security. It is particularly critical after the Russian -Ukraine conflict hit the international grain market last year.It is a small number of senior officials, and it is expected that more grass -roots cadres in this field will be investigated in the future.

After the Central Discipline Inspection Commission first notified a typical case in the field of grain purchase and sales at the end of November the year before, Sunday (January 29) also notified 10 typical cases involving illegal discipline in the field.These cases involve a number of directors of the local grain bureaus and chairman of the grain group, and the amount of bribes from more than 100,000 yuan to more than 2,900 million yuan; eight cases are still in the prosecution stage.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Xu Baoyi, who had fallen off in January last year, greeted the staff of the central grain in charge of the bidding agent and helped a bidding company enter the list of central grain storage bidding agencies.He was also accused of using the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of food storage storage operations and determination of storage and storage points, and received more than 1,300 million yuan in bribes.

This is the second time Xu Baoyi has been publicly named by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which is rare in the "tiger" in the horse.

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission notified 10 typical issues that violated the eight regulations of the Central Committee last December, and Xu Baoyi also ranked among them.He was accused of receiving a total of 240,000 yuan and 37 bottles of high -end liquor from 2013 to 2022; he accepted the banquets arranged by private corporate owners at private clubs and gambled in private business clubs.

Xu Baoyi was the deputy general manager of China Supply and Marketing Group, and in August 2014, he served as the deputy general manager of China Grain Storage Management Corporation. In November 2017, the company was renamed the China Grain Management Group.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a plenary session last January and stated in a bulletin that "special rectification in the fields of deepening grain purchase and sales", Xu Baoyi fell into a few days later, becoming the first "food tiger" after the closing of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.

In recent years, the field of grain has become one of the most corruption areas. Other senior officials include Luo Jiayu, the chief accountant of COFCO Group, and Xu Ming, former deputy director of the State Food Bureau.

Scholars: The problem of corruption is more severe due to inventory refurbishment involves a lot of funds

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission held the plenary this year, and in the bulletin, it also stated that it will deepen the corruption of financial, state -owned enterprises, political and legal, grain purchase and sales, etc.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that grain reserves are one of the important aspects of China's national security.Grain safety is the risk of China's must focus on prevention.

He pointed out that China has long ensured food reserves through large state -owned enterprises, but because of the food inventory, it must be renovated every few years, which involves a lot of funds. Therefore, there is a particularly large rental space, and the problem of corruption is relatively severe.

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission also issued a comment article on Sunday stating that a typical case of public notification was publicly released, and a strong signal of systematic corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales continued to rectify the field of food purchase and sales.

The article also states that the current corruption problem in this field has not yet seen the bottom and the incremental increase is still occurring. In particular, problems such as lack of regulation, lack of positions, collusion in internal and external, and poor law enforcement are prominent.

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission announced the recent official documents issued by the recently issued, involving the opinions of the special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, emphasizing the need to keep an eye on the corruption problem behind the chaos of grain, strictly punish them, and maintain zero tolerance and deterrent.Change and high -pressure punishment forces are often there.

Documents also say that major typical cases are notified to the society in a timely manner, allowing cadres to alert and know, and form a strict atmosphere.

Tang Renwu believes that the central government has continuously emphasized the increase in anti -corruption in the field of grain, which is intended to show the importance of the problem and play a deterrent role.He judged that officials in the grain field that are currently raised may be only "small pieces". Grain reserve covers a wide coverage. It involves granary in various provinces in local provinces. In the future, more "flies" in this field may continue to be arrested.