(Shanghai News) Citi wealth management strategist gives a rating of Chinese stocks to increase its holdings and is the only market in the world to get the rating.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Peng Chin, the Asian investment strategy director of Citi Global Wealth Investments, Citi Fortune Management Platform, believes that the positive effects of China's re -opening up will be better than the rising interest rates of other places and the hidden impact of economic recession.At least in the first half of 2023, Chinese stocks will become the highlight of investment.

He said that China's stock since November last year has only recovered a quarter of the lost land in the previous 20 months.Therefore, although the bear market has ended, the road to recovery is still long.

In 2023, Citi wealth management strategist gives a rating of Chinese stocks to increase its holdings, which is the only market -level holding rating they give by them globally.

China is currently trying to get rid of the two -year regulatory storm and strict epidemic prevention measures on the domestic economy.Officials have hinted that they will introduce more growth policies and strengthen assistance in the real estate industry in trouble.

Citi Wealth Management Team believes that, in view of the relatively rare transaction volume in the Chinese stock market, there is more room for increase in the future.

Peng Chi said that compared with the high stock valuation in early 2021, the current transaction volume is insignificant.He said that this is also a part of Citi that still watched Chinese stocks, because more capital flow may be seen.

Citi believes that there are investment opportunities for tourism and financial stocks and sectors with strategic policy support.