The serious car accident occurred in Nanchang Sunday (January 8), Jiangxi, China, has killed 19 people.The injured person described that a large truck suddenly rushed into the out of the incident.NotChina Jimu News reported that the wounded Mr. Gong said that he and his wife, and more than 60 relatives and friends sent the uncle Gong at the time.They walked on the roadside of the incident, preparing to take a ganglody to the local funeral home.NotThe large truck suddenly rushed into the team from the rear without signing, hitting many people and driving forward until it hit an elixir more than 100 meters away.NotThe car accident occurred at 12:49 in the morning. The location was located in the section of Taoling Village, the S517 connection line of Youlan Town, Nanchang County.Mr. Gong himself was injured in his legs and was currently healed in an emergency department of a hospital in Nanchang.NotLocals also said that the trucks involved in the funeral team caused tragedy.Ms. Deng, a resident who lived at the incident, said that when she heard the sound of ambulances in the early morning, she guess something happened. Only in the morning did she know that such a big car accident, and she said that many of them were people from Taoling Village.Some people know.