Chinese officials continue to explain to support private enterprises to promote the improvement of economic operation in 2023.Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, revealed that the special rectification of the 14 platform corporate financial business has been basically completed, and normalized supervision will be implemented in the future. Financial institutions will further establish the concept of "one equally" and treat various ownership enterprises fairly and fairly.

According to an interview with Xinhua News Agency on Saturday (January 7), Guo Shuqing said that the financial department will further promote the healthy development of Internet platform companies.He revealed that at present, the special rectification of the 14 platform corporate financial business has been basically completed, and a few leftover problems are being resolved.Later, normalized supervision will be implemented to encourage platform enterprises to operate compliant operations, and show their skills in leading development, creating employment, and international competition.

In response to how to continue to support the private economy, Guo Shuqing pointed out that most Chinese companies are private enterprises, and most private enterprises are small and micro enterprises, and they have taken out a inclusive finance with Chinese characteristics.Develop roads, and financial institutions will further establish the concept of "one equally" and treat various ownership enterprises fairly and fairly.

He said that financial institutions will increase the inclined monetary policy towards private enterprises, maintain the effective growth of total credit, promote the reduction of comprehensive financing costs, enrich private enterprise financing channels, support it through issuing stock bonds to acquire stock bondsMore financial resources.At the same time, based on the financial services of private small and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry, the credit and insurance security of private enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households in the service industry.

The golden management layer, including the Bank of China and the Securities Regulatory Commission, has begun to support platform enterprises since the end of last year, including proposing to improve the level"Case landing, etc., in December last year, the CPC Central Committee Economic Work Conference also emphasized that it is necessary to support platform companies to show their skills in leading development, creating employment, and international competition.

On the other hand, in response to how to effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks, Guo Shuqing focused on the sluggish real estate industry and the problem of village banks that exploded last year.

He said that financial institutions will strive to promote the normal circulation of real estate and finance, implement the "sixteen financial" measures, and focus on the entry point of maintaining diplomatic relations and improving the asset -liability statement of high -quality real estate enterprises., Promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry, and gradually promote the transition of the real estate industry to the new development model.

At the same time, we must also actively and stabilize the risk disposal of small and medium -sized financial institutions, effectively resolve the risks of small and medium -sized financial institutions, deepen the reform of the Agricultural Credit Society according to local conditions, and steadily implement the reorganization of village and township banks.Guo Shuqing emphasized that it is necessary to give full play to the professional disposal function of industry security funds such as deposit insurance and other industry security funds and financial stability guarantee funds, and strengthen the supervision of shareholders and actual controller.

He also mentioned that it is necessary to strictly control the risk of bombardment of non -performing assets, fully accounted for preparation and increase disposal; urge financial institutions to enhance risk management capabilities, and actively cooperate with resolving the hidden debt risks of local governments;All kinds of financial activities are included in supervision, and asset management products are strictly prohibited to commit to fixed returns or expected yields, and strictly regulate local financial institutions cross -regional deposit and loan business.

In response to the problem of opening up foreign financial openness, Guo Shuqing emphasized that the pace of China's financial opening will not stop in the future.He proposed that it will further simplify the procedures for overseas investors to enter the Chinese market, enrich the types of investment and investment, and improve the convenience of investment.At the same time, it will also expand the institutional types of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc., and promote international economic and trade rules such as the regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP) of high -quality implementation to create a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.Improve economic and financial management capabilities and risk prevention and control capabilities under open conditions, and better coordinate development and security.