China has greatly relaxed the crown disease prevention measures and officially returned to the "Type B tube".Costs and costs are becoming higher, and it is mentioned that the public's reflection of "silent management" and "layers of layers" from late November has attracted great attention.

This Sunday (January 8) was published by the Wanxiao Essay, and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on November 10 last year to make a major decision. It was proposed for the first time on November 11th."Article 20 Optimization Measures" will release a clear signal of China at home and abroad and actively optimize prevention and control policies.

The article wrote, "(Crown disease) has obvious characteristics, the difficulty of clearing zero, and the higher social cost and cost of prevention and control of epidemic."In control, every step of choice must be weighed repeatedly and carefully.

The article pointed out that at the end of last year, the domestic new outbound epidemic continued to appear, and the characteristics of fast spreading speed became more and more prominent. It affected all 31 provincial administrative units in mainland China.The social cost of control is rising.

The article also pointed out that the characteristics of weakening the disease of the virus are becoming more and more obvious. On November 9 last year, Urumqi, Xinjiang, infected with no symptoms, unshakable and minor types accounted for 91.3%.The heavy and critical types account for 1.5%; Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, has no symptoms and minor types of 98.6%of the infected people in the hospital, and the heavy and crisis type account for 0.36%.

The article pointed out that the launch of "Article 20" is "trying to control the epidemic in a shorter time at a minimum cost, and try to reduce the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development and people's livelihood."

After the release of "Twenty", in late November 2022, the number of cases in Beijing's society continued to fluctuate, and the average time of virus transmission was only about two days. The epidemic conditions in Chongqing, Guangzhou and other places also multi -chain parallel and gathered coexistence.

The article wrote, "China with more than 1.4 billion people, different people will have different demands, and there will be different views on the same thing."key.

The article mentioned that Sun Chunlan, Vice Premier of the State Council, held a symposium at the National Health Commission for two consecutive days on November 30, 2022, and listened to Zhang Boli, Shen Hongbing, Wang Junzhi, Liang Wannian, Du Bin, Feng Zijian, Yang Weizhong, Dong Xiaoping eight experts and eight representatives of the front -line prevention and control work spoke.Participants and representatives exchanged their understanding and experience of preventing epidemic prevention, and made opinions and suggestions on the prevention and control measures of epidemic.

The article says that the densely held symposium releases a clear signal, that is, as the pathogenic disease of Omikon virus, the popularization of vaccination, and the accumulation of prevention and control experience, the prevention and control of the Chinese epidemic facing the prevention and control of the epidemic is facing the prevention and control of the epidemic.New situation and new tasks.

The article pointed out that Xi Jin, President of China, hosted a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on December 6 to emphasize the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and provides a fundamental pointer for further optimizing the prevention and control measures of epidemic.The next day, the Comprehensive Group of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism announced the "new ten" that optimized and implemented the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The article also wrote that the epidemic is the process of developing dynamic development. The State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism meeting requested in July last year to closely track the adjustment of other countries’ preventing and control strategies and its effects;It is required to closely follow the effects of relaxation and control of the country and regions, systematically study the use of medical resources and severe rates, and put forward suggestions for optimizing prevention and control policies in a timely manner.

The article says, "In late November 2022, some people reported that the" silence "management and" layer layer "prevention and control of some people attracted high attention."

ArticleIt also wrote that epidemic prevention is related to life, and development is related to livelihood. It is not easy for "for a country with more than 1.4 billion people, it is not easy to balance and coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic development."Write that during the New Year's Day in 2023, with the further optimization of the epidemic prevention and control measures, the expansion of internal demand for consumer consumption policies gradually effective, the speed of re -production and re -production in many places, the orderly recovery of the life service industry, the fireworks and busy energy gradually rebounded back.EssenceThe article quoted Xi Jinping's new year's congratulatory words that the epidemic prevention and control "still work hard and control", and called on the public to help each other and continue to persist.