A woman in Wutai County, Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, has passed away for more than three years, but the record shows that she vaccinated a total of four -pin crown disease from 2021 to 2022.The local health center responded that it might be an error in information, and the Mayor of Wutai County emphasized that it must not be fraudulent.

According to the Beijing News, a resident of Wutai County one residents reported to the media on Friday (January 6) that his mother had died in March 2019, but the crown vaccine of the local Yangbai Township Health CenterPrevention vouchers show that the mother had four -needle vaccination records between 2021 and 2022, and the last time was in May 2022.

The resident said that after the situation was discovered in December last year, he wrote to the provincial government's mailbox to reflect, and he also called the 12345 hotline to complain.

The staff of Yangbaixiang Health Center responded to the media inquiries on Saturday (January 7) that there may be those with the same name and surname, but the information record is wrong, but why the identity card number can be correctly entered after being entered correctlyThe staff said, "Oh, it's hard to say, let's verify it again."

The party secretary of the Yangbaixiang party committee of Wutai County, the Communist Party of China responded to inquiries on Saturday, confirmed that the resident had previously reported to the official this.The matter, and said, "We immediately set up a special class to investigate." Jia Wenzhu, the magistrate of Wutai County, also said on the same day, "If it is true, we must seriously investigate the responsibility of the relevant person and we cannot fake them."

After China officially requested to strengthen the vaccination of coronary diseases, it was exposed to fakes suspected of "completing tasks" in vaccination records.In December last year, Red Star News reported that many residents of Hunan, Hunan, who had not yet vaccinated the vaccine of the crown disease, reported that the vaccination records of the local government's systems were unable to vaccinate the vaccine normally, but the relevant reports were soon from the Internet of China.Remove.