After China's relaxation of epidemic control measures, the crown disease has spread nationwide.With the increase in the number of infections, traffic statistics show that more people choose to stay at home, and the retail sales of capital Beijing have also fallen by nearly 18 % in November.

According to the Bloomberg Society on Monday (December 26), data of Bloomberg New Energy Economy (Bloomberg NEF) shows that the number of subways on Thursday (December 22), the capital of ChinaIt was 70 % lower than the same period in 2019, and the traffic congestion of urban streets was only 30 % in January 2021.Other major cities, such as Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Wuhan, similar declines have also appeared.

Reporting analysis pointed out that before relaxation of epidemic control, the Chinese economy was in the struggle of deepening consumption expenditure and slowing industrial output growth.Contraction, the economic prospects in the new year are severe.

Data also show that Chinese houses and car sales data have declined in the first few weeks of this month.Among them, car sales supported by government subsidies are a highlight of consumer spending this year, but due to the epidemic affected consumer willingness, the data began to decline last month.On the other hand, the epidemic has also hit industrial output, and automobile output has declined for the first time since May.Different from the influence of the "dynamic clearance" policy in May, the current reduction of production is mainly due to insufficient productivity caused by many factory employees.

Affected by the unknown prospects of demand, the price of Chinese iron ore has also fell slightly every week.In a explanation, Guangfa Futures said that China Steel Plant is currently reduced production, and data from the industry associations also show that production has declined in mid -month and inventory has risen.

The recent spread of the epidemic also offsets the excitement that announced the re -opening of the stock and the commodity market.The Shanghai Stock Exchange's comprehensive stock price index has fallen until the official has begun to relax near the previous level on November 11, and has been falling in the past two weeks.

According to the data of Standard Chartred PLC, the market decline also reflects the poor confidence of small companies. The data is in a contraction state for the third consecutive month.Although it has improved slightly compared with November, the main index still shows that small enterprises are not optimistic about the current situation and future.

Standard Chartered bank analysts pointed out in the report last week that or due to the positive impact brought about by the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, the manufacturing industry has improved, and new orders, sales and production have increased from November.However, they also said in the report that in the case of increasing infection cases, service SMEs will continue to face the resistance of weak consumption emotions.

On the other hand, according to early Korean data, the decline in global trade has continued to December, which means that China's exports may decline for the third consecutive month.In addition, South Korea's exports to China have fallen by nearly 27%in the first 20 days of this month, which also shows that China's demand for semiconductors is still weak.