Xi Jinping said at the Central Rural Working Conference that the current goal of anchoring the construction of agricultural powers is to be anchored, scientifically planned and promoted the "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers", strengthened the top -level design, formulated the planning of agricultural power, and emphasized that he also emphasizedThe safe and safe supply of food and important agricultural products is always a top priority to build a strong agricultural country.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 23rd to 24th.The meeting was chaired by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang. The Standing Committee of the Politburo, Li Qiang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and others attended the meeting.

Xi Jinping said at the meeting that comprehensively promoting rural rejuvenation and accelerating the construction of agricultural power is the strategic deployment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to comprehensively build a socialist modern power.He said that the strong country must strengthen the farmers first, and the agricultural strength can be strong. Without a strong agricultural country, there is no entire modern power. Without agricultural and rural modernization, socialist modernization is incomplete.

In this context, Xi Jinping urged him to take advantage of the "three rural" work with the focus of rural revitalization as the focus of rural revitalization, vigorously promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and strive to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country.

Xi Jinping also said that the construction of a strong agricultural country must reflect Chinese characteristics, based on the national conditions of China, and based on the historical heritage of more people and less people, the historical heritage of farming civilization, the era of harmony between man and nature, take their ownRoad, not simply copy the model of foreign modern agricultural power.

He said that it is necessary to anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, scientifically plan and promote the work of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, and strengthen the top -level design, and formulate the planning of accelerated the construction of agricultural power.Long -term things; according to local conditions, pay attention to practical results, based on resource endowment and development stage, solve the most urgent practical problems in agriculture and rural development, and the strongest reflection of farmers' reflection, and do not engage in face -to -face projects.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the supply of stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products has always been a top priority to build a strong agricultural country.It is necessary to implement a new round of 100 billion kg of grain production capacity improvement, and to formulate implementation plans.It is necessary to grasp the two key points of cultivated land and seeds, resolutely keep the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, gradually build all the permanent basic farmland into high -standard farmland, effectively grasp the revitalization action of the seed industry, and firmly hold the main species in their own hands.

Talking about the training of agricultural talents, Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to increase training for agricultural cadres, improve the work skills of the "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas," to improve the work style of work, create a political strong, adapt to the requirements of the new era requirements, With the "three rural" cadres with the ability to lead the construction of a strong agricultural country.

At the same time, we must adhere to the combination of local cultivation and external introduction, focus on strengthening the training of village party organization secretary and new agricultural business entity leader training, comprehensively improve the quality of farmers, and cultivate local talents.Talent, orderly guiding college graduates to hometowns, returning to the countryside, returning to the hometown, and entrepreneurs to enter the hometown, helping them solve their worries, so that they can stay and start a business.