Zhang Houhuan, the granddaughter of Zhang Zhidong, the "four famous ministers" in the late Qing Dynasty, died. She was a famous psychologist in China.

According to the Ministry of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, Professor Zhang Houyi, a famous psychologist in China and Beijing Normal University, died on December 24 at the age of 95.

Zhang Houyi is the granddaughter of Zhang Zhidong, the "four famous ministers" in the late Qing Dynasty, and his father Zhang Renxun is the thirteenth son of Zhang Zhidong.

Zhang Houzheng graduated from the Department of Psychology of Furen University in Peiping in 1948 and stayed in school to teach; he entered Beijing Normal University in 1952.In 1982, she introduced cognitive psychology to China for the first time, edited the earliest psychological and educational statistical textbooks in China, took the lead in setting up the "psychological measurement" course, and applied the theory of psychological statistics and psychological tests.The revision of the Budwen standard reasoning test and the preparation of the development of Chinese children.