Scholars of interviewees believe that some local health departments have recently disclosed their own data to remind the people that medical resources are facing serious crowding.At the peak, we must take more responsibilities and make more preparations for personal health.

The latest data disclosed by Qingdao, Dongguan and other places in Qingdao, Shandong, and other places in many places in many places in China have shown that the crown disease epidemic in China is more severe than the data notified by the central government.Even as many as 500,000 people.

The scholars of the interviewed by the scholars evaluated that the number of cases that the central government notified daily and the actual situation is too large, and it has been announced that it has been "meaningless".Scholars also believe that some local health departments have recently disclosed data by themselves, intending to remind the public that medical resources are facing serious crowding. In the face of the peak of the epidemic that may come during the New Year's Day to the Lunar New Year, it must bear more responsibilities and do more for personal health.Prepare more.

According to the National Health and Health Commission of China, only 4,103 local cases of crown diseases were added on Friday (December 23) in mainland China, and there were no death cases on Thursday.

However, through model prediction and data analysis, China is judging that the epidemic is in the stage of rapid spread.Bo Tao, director of the Shandong Qingdao Health Commission, said on Friday that according to monitoring data, speculation, the number of new infections at present every day is 490,000 to 530,000. It is expected that on this Saturday and Sunday, it will increase at 10 % on this basis.

Dongguan more than 250,000 people are diagnosed every day

The Dongguan City Health and Health Bureau also issued a warning on Friday evening that the peak of crown disease infection is getting closer. At present, local infections are growing at the scale of 250,000 to 300,000 per day, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster.Many medical institutions and medical staff have endured unprecedented severe challenges and huge pressures. As of Thursday, more than 2,500 medical personnel were on their jobs.

Lu Xi, an assistant professor of the School of Public Policy, Singapore National University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that medical staff had to take illnesses.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, said in an interview that the number of cases can no longer be effective after the Chinese epidemic prevention.Cancel as soon as possible.

Lu Xi also believes that the data released by the central government is no longer important. The accuracy of the local model of the number of cases is higher. The announcement is not announced than it is not announced. It can effectively manage the people's expectations for the epidemic trend.However, due to the lack of a sound automatic reporting system, "the model estimation can only probably reflect the trend and cannot reflect the actual quantity."

Tang Renwu evaluated that during the New Year's Day to the Lunar New Year, the Chinese population will flow sharply, and the number of infections may rise rapidly.He believes that the number of cases recently announced in various places is to remind the people that the peak of the epidemic and the pressure of epidemic prevention is coming.Health is responsible, all consequences bear yourself. "

Individual cities adjust the seven days of prefers to be confirmed by the diagnostic at home

The epidemic quickly spreads the order of economic life, and individual cities have adjusted the regulations for epidemic prevention and responded to the new epidemic situation.Shanghai announced on Friday that those with positive infections should be separated at least seven days.

Tang Renwu said that the central government has handed over the decision -making power of epidemic prevention policies to the place, and localities decide whether to adjust the epidemic prevention based on their own medical resources.

Lu Xi believes that the latest epidemic prevention requirement in Shanghai is the world's common practice, and it is also the "behavior of stepping on the brakes" for the pine -prevention of epidemic prevention.Obvious wrong losses.

On the other hand, when Hong Kong gradually relaxes social distance measures, it is faced with crown disease, respiratory tract hypotension, and paraceline -like infectious diseases.The local report on Friday reported the confirmed cases of 20,000 and 252 crown diseases, which was more than 20,000 in the past month. At present, public hospital services are facing pressure.

According to the Macau government estimation, about one -sixth of the local population is infected, but the use rate of beds for crown disease patients is less than 40 %, and it has not reached a warning line.