(Tehran / Beijing Comprehensive News) Iranian President Laich on Tuesday (December 13) met with Hu Chunhua, deputy prime minister of the Chinese State Council, in Tehran that some aspects of the Chinese official trip last week caused IranThe "dissatisfaction" within the government, Laixi also issued a joint statement issued by the National Cooperation Commission of China and the Gulf of the Gulf of China and the Gulf of the Gulf of the Gulf, but did not provide more details.

Bloomberg News made the above report on Wednesday (December 14) quoted the Iranian official Islamic Republic News Agency.

According to the release of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, Laich said that the position proposed by Chinese official visit to Saudi Arabia has caused dissatisfaction and complaints from Iranian countries and governments, and Iran has solemnly requested China to compensate these positions.

Chinese officials went to Saudi Arabia from December 7th to 10th to attend the China -Arab National Summit, China -Gulf Arabic National Cooperation Commission Summit (referred to as Zhonghai Summit) and conducted a state visit to Saudi Arabia.

In the joint statement issued after the Zhonghai Summit was held, there was a mention of "dealing with the Iranian nuclear issues, destroying the stable regional activities, and preventing the support of terrorist organizations, sectarian organizations and illegal armed organizations", reflecting the Bay Bay, which reflects the Bay BayThe country's long -term view of Iran.

Joint Statement also promised to support the Arab Emirates "to conduct bilateral negotiations in accordance with international law to resolve the problem of peacefully."It has been under the jurisdiction of Iran, which is a particularly sensitive topic for Tehran.

Hu Chunhua: China views China -Iran relations from a strategic level

However, the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency only quoted Hu Chunhua's "cordial greetings and good wishes" to Laich, and said that China looked at China -Iran from a strategic level and comprehensively develop a comprehensive strategic partnership with Iran's development of Iranian development.His determination will not shake, firmly supports Iraqi to oppose external interference, and maintain national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity.China is willing to work with the Iraqi side to conscientiously implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, work together to promote the implementation of the China -Iranian comprehensive cooperation plan, and promote new progress in pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.

Bloomberg believes that Hu Chunhua, a member of the Politburo of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October, visited Iran to meet with Lichi, marking that China is keeping a distance with Iran.