(Abbott) The operation and sales of infant and child nutrition products in the Chinese market will gradually stop the Chinese market, and it will focus on developing medical nutritional products.NotThe Daily Economic News reported on Wednesday (December 14) that Abbott said, "In the past few years, we have participated in fierce competition in the rapidly changing market in China. However, consumers' demand for infants and child nutrition products is happening.Change. "

At the same time, Chinese adults' scientific nutritional supplementary consciousness is increasing. Abbott said that it will continue to work to provide innovative medical nutrition to help people live healthier and beautiful.NotThe statement provided by the company said that consumers can still buy and use Abbott -related products on various channels online and offline, and receive corresponding customer service support.NotIt is also said that it will cooperate with all relevant parties to gradually stop the business business of Abbott infant and children in the Chinese market, and "ensure a stable business transition."NotUnderstand that Abbott cross -border purchase of e -commerce platforms will not be affected and will continue to operate. From the global market, it will provide Chinese consumers with nutrients and child nutrition products to help consumers get health support for health.In addition, Abbott's other businesses in China, including diagnosis, medical devices and medicines, are not affected.NotIn the statement, the company stated that "our long -term investment in the Chinese market has not changed, and we will continue to work hard to bring cutting -edge technology that changes life, maintain the industry's leading position, and strive to meet China's growing medical and health needs."/Span>