China has introduced the "New Ten Articles" and further relaxing the control measures for epidemic conditions for one week, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council emphasizes that the current working goal of China's epidemic prevention and control is health care and severe illness.Medical medicine.

The spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission of China Mi Feng on Wednesday (December 14) said at a press conference on the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism that medical institutions at all levels are optimizing processes, expanding resources, increasing strengthsIn order to make a good job of preventing and controlling epidemic prevention and control, treatment of crown diseases, and daily medical services, we will make every effort to solve the problem of the masses' urgency and anxiety.

Mi Feng said that it is necessary to give play to the role of urban and rural three -level medical and health service network, strengthen the treatment of classified categories of infected people; give full play to the role of community medical and health institutions, Internet hospitalsWait for services; strengthen the health management and health monitoring of risk personnel, and effectively ensure the timely, effective and convenient medical services of the elderly, maternal, children, and chronic basic diseases.

Jiao Yahui, the director of the Medical and Political Department of the China Health and Health Commission, made it clear at the press conference that medical institutions shall not refuse or push the diagnosis or push for patients with severe critical illness.

Jiao Yahui introduced that relevant measures have been introduced in various provinces across the country, and medical institutions are further refining relevant measures.He pointed out that medical institutions have been required to open relevant areas to obtain consultation in accordance with patients' medical needs, and all medical institutions are required to take a doctor to consult all nucleic acid negatives and positive patients.

On the other hand, in response to the production guarantee of crown disease treatment drugs, Zhou Jian, deputy director of the Consumer Products Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in accordance with the principles of priority and accurate distribution of patients, priority to ensure medical treatment priority medical care.Supply of drugs for key places such as institutions, nursing homes.At the same time, we will organize large -scale online pharmacies, develop patients to purchase online pharmaceutical platforms, and use real -name authentication to upload antigen detection certificates and other methods to timely deliver medicines to patients.

Zhou Jian said that in general, the drug production capacity of Chinese crown disease can meet the needs of patients' medication. However, as the number of patients recently increases, the demand for medication has increased, and some places and varieties have tightened.He said that relevant departments tried their best to promote enterprises to quickly stabilize production, expand capacity expansion and expand production, increase the supply of key drug markets, guide reasonable and orderly, accurately launch, and strive to alleviate the problems of buying medicines.

Zhou Jian pointed out that buying and hoarding drugs will cause patients who really need drugs to buy medicines. Faced with the current large amount of needs, accurate drugs are the key to solving resource mismatch and avoiding drug waste.

Zhou Jian said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology sent the special staff in the enterprise to ensure the production and supply of key drugs with relevant local departments, help solve the difficulties of logistics, employment, water consumption, electricity consumption, raw material procurement, etc., and support enterprises to support enterprisesOvertime, racing against time, high horsepower, quickly enter the production status of full load.He said that the foundation of China's pharmaceutical industry is solid. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, the production capacity of related drugs will be released quickly, which can effectively ensure the needs of the masses.