The twelve departments of China will fully remove hidden mutation training in 2024, so that the "double reduction" policy achieves significant resultsEssenceNot According to the website of the Ministry of Education on Tuesday (December 13), the twelve departments of the General Office of the Ministry of Education of China issued the opinions on further strengthening the discipline invisible mutation training and prevention.> Since the implementation of the "double reduction work, the governance of off -school training institutions has been continuously deepened and has achieved phased results, but some local discipline invisible mutation training has been varied.Not Opinions require that by June 2024, the long -term mechanism of the discipline invisible mutation training and prevention and governMake significant results.Not In order to achieve the above goals, the opinions stated that they should strengthen the prevention and control of key places and key websites.Among them, Establish a dynamic investigation mechanism for streets (townships), community (villages), and establish a contractual responsibility system to prevent illegal training in places such as residential buildings, hotels, cafes, etc.One "" crowdfunding private teachings "and" tutor teachers "and other measures for off -campus training recruitment needs information and other measures.Not China issued a "double reduction" policy in July last year. Later, various localities launched the rectification of the training institutions of off -campus education disciplines, but there are still extracurricular training.Calculate.Not For solving " Span> mutation training "question, opinion requirements, Strengthen follow -up guidance, encourage policy support, and help institutions to achieve transformation and development.At the same time, Forbidden housekeeping service enterprises to incorporate off -school training into family services, and it is strictly forbidden to promote any form of "home education".Not In addition, it will also carry out key issues to investigate and rectify institutions and individuals with "one -to -one", "resident teachers", "high -end housekeeping", "crowdfunding and private education", and various types of winter and summer camps to carryThe 3-6 years old preschool children carry out discipline training illegally, conduct illegal discipline training in general high schools, and pay compensation courses for in -service teachers in primary and secondary schools.Not About investigation, comments, Improve the unannounced visits work mechanism jointly carried out by multiple departments, adopt the "four -not -two straight" method, through the form of "day check+night inspection" and "joint inspection+sampling inspection".Carry out the tensile inspection and inspection.Not Opinions also said, > Using information technology advantages, exploring and developing functional procedures such as "shooting", formulating reward methods, rewarding major issues of clues, and fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in supervision and reporting.