The Beijing Economic and Information Bureau on Monday (December 12) issued a new guidelines on the recent epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and re -production, requiring enterprise factories to set the upper limit for the employment rate.

According to China CCTV News report, in order to further optimize the prevention and control measures of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the "Beijing 10" optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures, combine the changes in the epidemic situation and the industrial and software information service industryFeatures, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology issued the introduction of the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of the Beijing Industrial and Software Information Service Industry Enterprises (Thirteenth Edition) (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), and do a good job of preventing and controlling the recent epidemic.The remarks of re -production work are as follows for enterprises for reference.

Guidance requires enterprises to establish the responsibility system from enterprises, park management to workshop teams, and front -line employees, and refine the full -link and full -process epidemic prevention and control ledger.Strengthen the life, epidemic prevention and rotation of key positions and employees of key posts, and improve the management of third -party outsourcing personnel.

According to the guidelines, corporate employees do personal protection during the job, wearing masks and replacement in time, and key groups wear N95 or KN95 masks.Promote health behaviors such as hard -to -hand, often ventilation, non -gathering, and one meter line.

Guidelines that employees reduce unnecessary communication within the factory area or unit, and implement grid management to achieve less personnel flowing, not gathering, and not stringing posts.AB angle is set up in important positions, and a sub -system system is adopted to ensure that the B corner can be repaid quickly when the A corner is unable to get on the job.

Guidelines also require enterprises to strengthen the cleaning and disinfection on the surface of high -frequency contact objects such as cafeteria, dormitories, bathrooms, elevator rooms, and door handles.Ensure effective ventilation and ventilation, and strengthen ventilation and replacement of offices, workshops, cafeterias and bathrooms.During the misalignment peak, those who have the conditions can be delivered to their respective stations for dinner.Equipped with sufficient handwashing solution in the office, cafeteria and bathrooms. When conditions permit, it can be equipped with a quick -drying hand disinfection agent or inductive hand disinfection equipment.Strengthen the collection of garbage classification, clearance in time, and clean and disinfect the garbage container.Improve the living environment and sanitary facilities of staff dormitory or temporary residence.

Guidelines that enterprises should adhere to the principle of acceptance, and should also be uniformly incorporated into the scope of vaccination for third -party service personnel and intern.Actively advocate and promote the vaccination of retirees in the unit, increase the vaccination rate of people aged 60 to 79, and speed up the vaccination rate of people over 80 years old.

According to the guidelines, the enterprise enters the nucleic acid test negative proof of nucleic acid detection in accordance with the principle of "willing inspection" to optimize nucleic acid testing and inspection measures in accordance with the principles of "willing inspection".Enterprises can carry out antigen detection as needed.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise factory, the guidance requires the enterprise to recover, return to the principle, and the competent authorities shall not set up re -production and re -production approval, and shall not set up re -production and re -production approval.The upper limit of the job.When an epidemic in the unit and an enterprise, it is necessary to quickly isolate or cooperate with local conditions to do a good job of transportation, and disinfect the immune -related environment.Enterprises should strengthen the physical and mental health of employees -related employees.