The State Council of China issued a notice that allows medical institutions, including Internet hospitals, through the Internet diagnosis and treatment platform to open a prescription online for patients with crown diseases, and encourage the entrusted third -party to distribute drugs to patients to home.

According to the website of the China National Health and Health Commission, the State Council's notice of the medical treatment team of the disease joint prevention and control mechanism of the epidemic affairs issued on Monday (December 11) on Monday (December 11) on doing a good job of Internet medical services for new crown pneumonia.

Notice that medical institutions (including Internet hospitals, medical institutions that conduct Internet diagnosis and treatment services) can pass the Internet diagnosis and treatment platform, according to the latest version of the crown disease diagnosis and treatment planIf the infected guidelines are treated at home, the prescription for the treatment of new coronary pneumonia is activated online, and the entrusted third -party will distribute drugs to the patient's home.

Notice reminds that during the process of conducting Internet diagnosis and treatment services, if the medical institution finds that the patient's condition changes or there are other unsuitable online diagnosis and treatment services, the doctor should guide the patient to go to the physical medical institution for treatment.

Notice also encourages medical institutions to provide 24 -hour online consultation services to provide children with children, maternal, elderly, dialysis patients, and patients with basic diseases.Precise appointments during the time period, shorten the waiting time after the patient arrives at the hospital.

Notice reminding county -level and above local and above local health and health administrative departments to strengthen supervision of Internet diagnosis and treatment services, medical institutions implement the medical quality and safety responsibility of Internet diagnosis and treatment services, and ensure the homogeneity of online and offline medical quality and safety.