Chinese officials have recently issued stipulation that from January 10 next year, we must not use deep synthetic services to engage in activities prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

According to the first Fiscal and Economics Sunday (December 11), the Chinese Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Public Security recently jointly issued the in -depth synthesis management regulations of Internet information services (hereinafter referred to as the provisions), whichIt will be implemented from January 10, 2023.

The relevant person in charge of the China Internet Information Office said that the provisions are introduced to strengthen the in -depth synthetic management of Internet information services, promote the core values of socialism, safeguard national security and social public interests, protect citizens, legal persons and other organizationsLegal rights and interests.

In recent years, the deep development technology has developed rapidly. While serving user needs and improving user experience, some illegal personnel are also used for production, replication, release, dissemination of illegal and bad information, slandering and degradation of others.Honorary, honor, imitating others to implement fraud, etc., affect the order and social order, harm the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and endanger national security and social stability.

The provisions of the promulgation are the need to prevent and resolve safety risks, and it is also the need to promote the healthy development of deep synthesis services and improve the level of supervision.

It stipulates that the purpose basis, scope of applications, departmental responsibilities and guidance requirements of the formulation of the purpose of formulation.It is clear that the application of deep synthesis technology in the People's Republic of China provides Internet information services, and these regulations are applicable.

It stipulates that the governance and relevant supervision and management responsibilities of the coordination and coordination of the China and local network information departments are clarified.Clarify the overall requirements of deep synthetic services.Encourage relevant industry organizations to strengthen industry self -discipline.

The regulations clarify the general regulations of deep synthetic services.Emphasize that in -depth synthetic services are not allowed to engage in activities prohibited by law and administrative regulations.It is required that in -depth synthetic service providers implement the responsibility of the main body of information security, establish and improve the management system and technical guarantee measures, formulate open management rules and platform conventions, provide real identity information certification for users, strengthen deep synthetic content management, establish a sound rumor and appeal mechanism and appeal, Complaints and reporting mechanisms.It is clear that the application distribution platform should implement the responsibility of security management and verify the relevant situation of the application of deep synthetic applications.

The regulations specify the deep synthetic data and technical management specifications.It is required that deep synthetic service providers and technical supporters must strengthen training data management and technical management, ensure data security, and do not handle personal information illegally, and regularly review, evaluate, and verify the mechanism of algorithms.In -depth synthetic service providers should add signs that do not affect the use of information to generate or edit information.Providing services that provide intelligent dialogue, synthetic voices, face generation, immersive authentic scene generation or significantly changing information content functional functions shall be identified to avoid public confusion or misunderstanding.No organization or individual is required to delete, tampered with technical means to delete, tampered, and hide related signs.

It stipulates the supervision and inspection and legal responsibility.It is clear that deep synthetic service providers and technical supporters with public opinion attributes or social mobilization capabilities shall perform the filing and change and cancel the filing procedures.Those who have new products, new applications, and new functions that have public opinion attributes or social mobilization capabilities shall carry out safety assessment.In -depth synthetic service providers and technical supporters shall cooperate with the supervision and inspection of the online information departments and relevant authorities in accordance with the law, and provide necessary support and assistance.If there is a large information security risk, the online information department and relevant competent authorities may take measures such as suspension of information update, user account registration or other services in accordance with their duties and laws.Clarify the legal responsibility that violates the regulations.

The relevant person in charge of the China Internet Information Office pointed out that the governance of deep synthetic service governance requires the joint participation of the government, enterprises, society, netizens and other parties to promote the in -depth synthetic technology in accordance with the law, reasonable, and effective use, and actively prevent and resolve the depth of depth.The risks brought by synthetic technology, promote the healthy development of Internet information services, and maintain a good ecology of network space.