Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations on Friday (December 9), made an interpretation speech after the Security Council passed the humanitarian exemption resolution.Risks are not from the Sanctuary of the Security Council, but the intensified unilateral sanctions and "long -arm jurisdictions" in some countries.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Security Council voted to pass the resolution No. 2664 on the same day, stipulating that the economic activities of humanitarian rescue or guaranteeing basic people's livelihood do not violate the asset freezing measures implemented by the Security Council.The 14 members of the Security Council, including China, voted for the draft of the resolution, and India abstained power.

Geng Shuang said in his speech that sanctions are unique tools for the United Nations Charter to the Security Council.China has always advocated that the Security Council should deal with sanctions with a cautious and responsible attitude to avoid abuse and avoid negative humanitarian impact.In February of this year, China made clear suggestions at the Security Council's sanctions public meeting that the Security Council should set up a permanent exemption mechanism in response to specific humanitarian institutions and humanitarian assistance.This suggestion is supported by many countries.China was happy to see Ireland and the United States 'response to all parties' calling and demands, and proposed a draft of humanitarian exemption resolution.China supports the Security Council to adopt action to improve the sanctions mechanism, actively participate in consultations, and promote the improvement of the draft.

Geng Shuang said that No. 2664 decided to clarify the relationship between humanitarian assistance and sanctions, and dispel the concerns and concerns of the assistant.It is hoped that member states and international humanitarian agencies will actively implement humanitarian exemption stipulated in resolutions and prevent the practice of expanding interpretation and excessive enforcement of sanctions.It is hoped that the international community, especially developed countries, to increase humanity assistance, and provide more substantial support for humanitarian actions.

Geng Shuang said that the international community should pay close attention to the negative impact of unilateral sanctions on humanitarian actions.It is impossible to deny that humanitarian institutions are facing the biggest legal and political risks. They are not sanctions from the Security Council, but are more and more unilateral sanctions and "long -arm jurisdictions" in some countries.These sanctions often cause huge chaos and disasters to create and exacerbate humanitarian crisis.It is hoped that the relevant countries will uphold the humanitarian spirit reflected in the resolution No. 2664 and stop improving unilateral sanctions outside the framework of the Security Council as soon as possible.

Geng Shuang said that the Security Council should set up a clear and feasible exit arrangement for the existing sanctions mechanism, regularly review it, and adjust or cancel sanctions in a timely manner.The humanitarian exemption resolution passed by the Security Council must not lead to the long -term and permanentization of some sanctions mechanism that should have been adjusted.China will continue to promote the improving sanctions mechanism with a responsible attitude to continue to promote the negative impact of humanitarian people's livelihood in accordance with the responsible attitude.