When the relationship between China and the Arab countries heating up, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Cobbit, said that Washington has noticed that China is trying to expand its influence around the world, and the Middle East must be China.One of the areas that want to deepen influence.He emphasized that the US Middle East policy remains unchanged, and Saudi Arabia is still an important allies in the United States.

China's official trip to the Middle East promotes the rapid heating relations with China's relations with Arab countries.While strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia, China has also established a strategic partnership with the Gulf Arab National Cooperation Commission.

China's official Friday (December 9) attended the first China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Commission Summit.The summit decided to establish and strengthen the strategic partnership of China Shipping.

Chinese official: Zhongsha agrees to strengthen energy policy coordination

The Haihe Club consists of six member states, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Barin, Kuwait, Oman and the UAE.Chinese officials said in their keynote speeches on Friday that in the next three to five years, China is willing to strengthen cooperation in the fields of energy, finance, technology, aviation, and culture in energy, finance, technology, aviation, and cultural.

China promises to make efforts in the above fields, including continuing to expand imported crude oil and liquefaction natural gas from the State of the Sea -CIF country, and carry out the settlement of oil and gas trade RMB; jointly build the China Shipping Security Demonstration Center, Big Data and Cloud Computing Center;State astronauts enter the China Space Station to jointly fly with Chinese astronauts and conduct spatial science experiments; cooperate with the 300 Maritime Church of Elementary and Middle Schools to conduct Chinese education.

One day before, Chinese official and Saudi King Salman signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between China Saisan.The two sides agreed to hold a semi -head meeting at the two countries every two years, and led the Zhongsha High -level joint committee to the level, raising from the deputy prime minister to the prime minister level.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese officials also stated that on the same day with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed that Saudi Arabia was "an important independent force in the multi -pole world" and an important strategic partner of China in the Middle East.The current international and regional situation has evolved profoundly, and the strategic and global nature of Sino -Sausa relations is even more prominent."China puts the development of the development of Saudi Arabia in the overall situation of diplomacy, especially the Middle East diplomacy."

China has become the largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia since 2013, and is currently the largest oil export market in Saudi Arabia.Chinese officials say that China is willing to strengthen the communication and coordination of energy policy, expand the scale of crude oil trade, and strengthen cooperation in exploration and development.

Chinese officials arrived on Wednesday (7th) to arrive at the Saudi capital of Riyadh.During the four days when he participated in the China -Sea -Haixian Summit, the China -Arab National Summit, and the state visit to Saudi Arabia, he also met with many leaders such as Egypt, Tunisia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Qatar.

The Chinese Official Media People's Daily issued a comment on Thursday (8th) that Chinese officials attended the first Summit of the Arab Summit, which is the "largest and highest specifications" diplomatic actions for the Arab world since the founding of the Communist Party of China.There is a milestone in the history of development.

As the relationship between China and Arab countries heating up, the United States, which is in a trough due to factors such as human rights issues and oil supply, and Saudi Arabia, also pays attention to the official visit of Chinese officials.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on the 7th local time that Washington has noticed that China is trying to expand its influence around the world, and the Middle East must be one of the areas that China wants to deepen its influence.

Kobe emphasized that the United States' policy remains unchanged, and Saudi Arabia is still an important allies in the United States.But he also said that China's approach "is not conducive to maintaining rules -based international order."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of the Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajielean International Research Institute, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. From the perspectiveThe influence in the Middle East has also increased.This helps to promote China and Arab countries to expand cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, energy.

Li Mingjiang also pointed out that although the United States has paid attention to the Middle East in recent years, China has strengthened contact with Arab countries that will still be regarded by the United States as challenges.However, the relationship between China and Arab countries at present is not enough to pose a substantial threat to the US status, and it is expected that the United States will not take action responses.

"The relationship between the countries and forces in the Middle East and the forces is intricate. China has long been observing on the Middle East issue for a long time. It is unlikely to directly involve the regional security and political situation.The status of the Middle East is too early. "