The Office of the Leading Group of the State Council of the State Council of China on Friday (December 9) issued a notice to implement the "New Ten Articles".The notice requires that the highway, waterway, and shipwalks set up in various places will be fully eliminated, and the nucleic acid detection negative proof and health code of trucks and ship crews will not be checked.

According to the WeChat public account "Ministry of Transport", the notice of the ten optimization measures of the State Council's joint control mechanism of the State Council is scientifically accurately accurately, and the unobstructed protection of transportation and logistics insurance.The notice requires the full cancellation of the highway, waterway, and shipwalks of the roads and locks established in all places, and no longer check the nucleic acid test negative proof and health code of the dealer personnel and ship crew members.

At the same time, the requirements for closed -loop management of freight vehicles will be fully eliminated. It must not be added in various places to restrict the cross -regional passage of freight vehicles; comprehensively cancel the "landing inspection" of cross -regional mobile trucks.Persons such as high -risk positions such as services shall carry out nucleic acid testing in accordance with the local joint defense joint control mechanism; strictly implement the precise management and control policy, and effectively achieve the "five strict prohibitions": it is strictly forbidden to block or close the highway, ordinary highways, and channel ships without authorization;It is strictly forbidden to shut down the highway service area, port docks, railway stations and aviation airports without authorization; it is strictly forbidden to restrict freight vehicles and normally traffic; it is strictly forbidden to shut down the postal express end service without authorization, "one -size -fits -all" restricting high -risk zone terminal delivery;The test results of passenger nucleic acid are limited to trucks.

In terms of ensuring the safe and orderly transportation of key supplies, notifying the request to strengthen the supply and demand docking, do a good job of transportation capacity, strengthen organizational scheduling, ensure that key materials transportation vehicles are preferred and convenient, ensure that transport ships transport ships are prioritized, priority priorityPassing the gate, priority anchor, priority leaving, improving the capacity of railway and civil aviation services, unblocking the "microcirculation" of the postal express end, and effectively ensuring various key supplies such as medical prevention and control, energy, food, people's livelihood, agricultural and agricultural machinery, foreign trade, etc.Safe and efficient transportation.

Do your best to ensure the protection of medical material transportation services such as vaccine, antigen test agents, medicines, masks, etc., strengthen information sharing such as production and supply and transportation needs, timely research and judge the situation, make emergency transportation reserves, strengthen tracking services, and strengthen tracking services.Coordinate the protection of key materials and product transportation of production enterprises to ensure that the transportation of medical supplies is efficient and smooth.

In order to ensure the stable operation of the transportation and logistics network, notifications point out that it is strictly forbidden to shut down the transportation and logistics infrastructure and restriction of transportation services without authorization.In infrastructure, it is necessary to "quickly seal and solve" as required.Give full play to the role of the work mechanism of logistics insurance and the smooth work mechanism, strengthen the monitoring and scheduling of road networks, railway stations, key ports, trunk channels, aviation airports, and postal express delivery centers, timely solve the problem of blocking and blocking, shutdown and shutdown, and ensure that traffic ownersThe trunk line is smooth and the key hub nodes are running normally.

The traffic logistics practitioners are included in the management of the "whitelist" management of the local joint prevention and control mechanism. Relevant personnel strictly implement the requirements of personal protection, vaccination and health monitoring.The venue does not take temporary closed control, and the personnel of the workplace will not beolate a large -scale isolation to ensure the stable operation of transportation and logistics.

Key ports, airports, railway goods stations, logistics parks, postal express delivery centers, and operating units such as channels, navigation buildings, and pilot institutions shall improve the emergency plan and establish front -line personnel reserve teams.Implement centralized residence, closed -loop or closed management to ensure that key logistics hubs are running stable in emergencies.

Notification requirements, strengthen basic living security for truck drivers, courier, crew, etc., provide them with basic living services and basic medical assistance services for drinking water, dining, and toilet.The life of traffic and logistics practitioners is difficult to live.The highway service area that needs to be closed must continue to retain basic public service functions such as refueling and toilet; the water service area that needs to be closed must continue to retain basic public services such as refueling and water according to the original function.It is strictly forbidden to suspend or refuse to change the international sailing ships at will to effectively protect the international maritime logistics supply chain and the legitimate rights and interests of the crew.

The notice also requires that insisting on duty on duty for 24 hours, unblocked emergency transportation guarantee calls, one thing to coordinate, solve the problem of incompatible traffic and logistics reflected by truck drivers, logistics companies, etc.;The required behavior will increase the transfer of the supervision office and urge the problem to rectify in a timely manner; for seriously affecting the smooth flow of freight logistics, if the masses reflect strongly, we must increase the notification and public exposure, strengthen the warning deterrence effect, fully ensure that the traffic network is unblocked, material transportation is transported, material transportationUnblocked and the end distribution is unblocked.