With the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, more than half of China's theaters have resumed business.

According to the Securities Daily, data from the Cat Eye APP on Thursday (December 8) showed that as of Wednesday (December 7), the operating rate of Chinese theater was 52.77%, the total number of business theaters nationwide31.926 million.

Data show that there are more than 50%of the cinema in 12 provinces (municipalities) across the country.Among them, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Anhui, Guizhou and Shanghai operate more than 70%.

Film and television leading stock prices have also maintained an upward trend.Data from Flush Shun showed that as of the close of Thursday (December 8), Bona Films rose 4.6%on the same day, Wanda's film rose 3.85%, and Chinese films rose 1.98%.

For China's sluggish film market, the upcoming Avatar 2: Water's way may become a box office savior.On Wednesday (December 7), Avatar 2: Waterway opened pre -sale and screening.Lighthouse data shows that as of 18:30 as of Thursday (December 8th), in less than two days, the film show and pre -sale box office reached 52.58 million yuan (RMB, about 10.2 million yuan).The number of "wanting to see" on the Cat Eye APP has exceeded 1.33 million.

According to the prediction of the previous media box office, Avatar 2: The box office of the Water Road will be between 1.8 billion yuan and 3.125 billion yuan.The reporter ’s online ticketing platform looked at the pre -sale of many regional theaters in Beijing. It was found that at a zero o'clock on December 16, there were few movie tickets in some theaters.

Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of Ai Media Consultation, said: "Avatar 2: The pre -sale time and release time of the water path coincides with the optimization of the national epidemic prevention policy.Word of mouth is a "time and place and". The film market is also expected to usher in an inflection point with this film. "