With the "new ten" of China's optimization prevention policies, the "New Ten" optimized policies for epidemic prevention policiesAccording to the introduction, China has maintained a "dynamic clear zero" epidemic prevention policy for nearly three years.Although most Chinese people look forward to getting out of the haze of the epidemic, the sudden policy steering still caught them off guard and cause various doubts and concerns. It seems that they have not fully prepared for the long -term coexistence with this virus.

Epidemic prevention "U Turn"

China's "dynamic clearing" policy leads the people to go through the epidemic situation for three years, but on Wednesday 7 (December 7th (December 7On the day of the "New Ten Articles", everything has begun to change. The word "dynamic clear zero" no longer appears in the official documents and speeches, and it seems that the historical mission has been completed.

After the release of the "New Ten Articles", a lot of public health experts who have been low -key for a long time have suddenly appeared and spoke one by one, trying to dilute the seriousness of crown disease.

Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering on Friday (December 9), said at the public activity that most of the crown diseases can be fully recovered within 7 to 10 days.Excessive prevention will cause greater secondary damage.Zhong Nanshan even tried to "divide the disease" of asymptomatic infection, saying: "Asyptia indicate that the cause of the cause is significantly reduced, there is virus but no symptoms, which may not be considered."

" Symptoms say without any symptoms on Friday on Friday: "Symptoms say no symptoms say without symptoms. IllnessThe rate is significantly reduced, there is a virus but no symptoms, which may not be a disease. "It also said: "The world's popular Omikon virus, mostly infected people are asymptomatic infected and mild. Although asymptomatic infected people are contagious, asymptomatic infected people are not patients, everyone does not need to panic."

These expositions completely overthrow the theoretical foundation of Chinese epidemic prevention in the past. The purpose is obviously to alleviate the fear of the people's holding of crown disease.But in fact, although the official did not hit the direction of the direction, the people were "U -turn", and the public was still uneasy about the way.

The next day when the "New Ten Articles" promulgated, the "farewell health code" became the hottest topic of the Chinese social media platform.It is gone to bring great trouble for daily life. It should have been a lot of things, but there are still many netizens who feel complicated.

On the evening of December 7The staff of the Guangzhou Metro Sports West Station tear off the guidance of the health code in the station.(Internet)

A netizen who accounts "Nana Children" said that he has been conceived before, when can you end the life of green code and line up as nucleic acid, while he can't help it while he is embarrassed.I hope that I am afraid that I am too high to be disappointed. I am worried that it is three years, three years, three years, and three years. As a result, it seems that I suddenly go into another era.

"The current mood is really complicated, and when I feel liberated, I feel that if everything has changed but nothing has changed."

Another netizen ""Soft pillow Xiao Li" lamented that the wind direction changes overnight, and he kept heating back without warning. It seemed that a sudden order, our lives will be pressed by the fast -moving key, which allows the life of life over the past three years.It looks even more ridiculous."Human life is pressed 'starting' may not continue immediately, but when you press the" suspension "may stop there forever."

official public opinion flip

As the official Chinese officials continue to make public opinion, the example of turning over.

CCTV news host Bai Yansong said during the news of the news on Thursday: "New 10 newly introduced and superimposed optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures means that we have officially moved on the road to ending the epidemic life.It is not the same thing to end the epidemic life and the end of the epidemic. "

CCTV news host Bai Yansong said on Thursday that "we officially moved to the end of the epidemic life" caused heated discussion among netizens.(Internet)

As soon as this sentence came out, it instantly caused discussion on Weibo.The above reading volume.

Chinese netizens' attitudes towards this sentence are polarized. On the one hand, some people are boosted by this sentence, allowing them to hope for their early return to life before the epidemic and the way out of the epidemic.

On the other hand, some people think that this sentence is misleading, contradictory, and is suspected of playing text games.They believe that the end of the "seal -controlled resistance" instead of the epidemic situation, and the upstream of the coming after liberalization is about to begin. As an official media, it should not make such "separation from reality" and "self -deception".

As the discussion continues to ferment, some netizens have begun to question the official opening of China's official opening, which makes the public be confused.

A netizen "Mr. Lu Xuan" questioned four doubts about the current epidemic prevention: one is whether it will form short -term immunity after the infection; the other is whether local medical institutions have sufficient ability and resources to let the severe illness make the first time as soon as possibleThird, for severe illnesses that must be admitted to the hospital for treatment, does the country still implement the treatment cost; the fourth is how much the existing vaccine protection power, can it cope with the current virus?When will the new vaccine go public?

Some netizens are worried. Now the insufficient supply of drugs leads to the flood of high -priced drugs, which expose the elderly and children to the risk of epidemic, and medical resources are also facing tremendous pressure."It will be a bit bumpy.

The difficulty of the road of "U Turn" in China

These concerns and doubts are not targeted, because there are indeed many challenges in front of the road of "U Turn".

For the outbreak of the crown disease, for nearly three years, China has insisted on the minimum of the large -scale sealing city and large -scale nucleic acid testing to minimize the infection rate and mortality rate of crown disease.Thanks to this, most Chinese have never been infected with crown diseases and have no concept of infection, but it also means that the immune barrier is weak. Once quickly let go, it will inevitably cause a wave of major infection.

Coronation epidemic is outbreak. NearIn the past three years, China has insisted on the minimum of large -scale sealed cities and large -scale nucleic acid testing to minimize crown disease infection and mortality.The picture shows Beijing citizens waiting in line on Friday waiting for nucleic acid testing.(Reuters)

According to Reuters, Nomura analystsIn a report on Thursday, it is currently only 0.13%of China's crown disease infection, which is far from reaching the level of group immunity.The health experts quoted by China News Weekly on Thursday predict that China may face the outbreak of large -scale epidemic in the next month or two; Feng Zijian, a member of the expert group of the China Crown Diseases and Control Mechanism, predicts that the first wave of infection may affect the 60 % population in China. In the endThere will be 89 % of the population infection.

British economists published an article on December 1 to predict that if the virus spread, 96%of the Chinese people infected, and the new cases notified in a month later will reach 45 million.The peak.Assuming that the bed is sufficient, the number of deaths will reach up to 680,000.However, the article predicts that at the peak of the epidemic, China needs at least 410,000 additional beds, and this is seven times that of the total number of beds in China.In the case of insufficient beds, the actual number of deaths will be much higher.

Airfinity, a research company headquartered in London, predicts that China will have 1.3 million to 2.1 million people in the epidemic, and the peak of the epidemic will fall in the Lunar New Year next year.

Even if considering China's population scale, this number is still quite amazing, and the United States and India, which even notified the world's most confirmed cases in the world, have not reached this number.

According to WorldOmeter data, as of Friday (December 9), there were only 5,235 deaths reported by mainland China.

中国医疗系统能否The big infection after liberalization will be a big challenge for China's official out of the haze of the epidemic.The picture shows Beijing citizens lined up outside the clinic and waited for a consultation.(Reuters)

However, in the face of such a large -scale infection, the current vaccination rate of crown disease vaccines in China is still insufficient, especially the most vulnerable elderly group in the epidemic.

According to AFP on Thursday, although about 90 % of the population in China has completed vaccination, about one -third of the elderly over 80 years old has not completed the vaccination.Even if the official has accelerated the speed of vaccination, the willingness to vaccinate the elderly is a big resistance.

Larry Gostin, director of the World Health Organization Public Health Law and Human Rights Coordination Center, told VOA in the United States that the Chinese people have low natural immunity, insufficient vaccination rate of vaccination, and then encountering extremely spreading.For strong Omir Rong poisons, China may have a surge in hospitalization and death, especially the elderly and people with chronic diseases.

He believes that Chinese officials have not made a clear plan to prevent the burden of medical systems, and should start to gradually transition to withdraw from the zero policy a few months ago.

虽然中国约九成The population has been vaccinated, but there are still about one -third of the elderly over 80 years old who have not completed the vaccination.The picture shows a Guangzhou elderly person on Thursday to prevent vaccine vaccination in the Nangang Street Community Health Service Center for vaccination.(China News Agency)

Jin Dongyan, a professor at the School of Biomedicine, University of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, also admitted in an interview with Radio Hong Kong on Friday that mainland China was not ready to relax the control of the epidemic at once, and now it is winter.The mainland epidemic is likely to have a tsunami outbreak.He also predicts that this wave of outbreaks may not be able to end within two months like Hong Kong.

Under the publicity of Chinese officials for nearly three years, crown disease has become an indispensable infectious disease, and the Chinese people have also internalized this discussion and spontaneously.It is believed that strict control should be taken to treat crown diseases.But now this discussion is overthrown in just a few days when all kinds of preparations and pavement work seem to have not been done.

The official has continued to emphasize the need to "take a small step and keep walking" recently, but how to take every small step in it, if the street signs cannot be seen in the fog, the future can be described as unknown. The Chinese people are full of unknown. The Chinese peopleIt is inevitable that the psychology of uneasiness and anticipation is also inevitable.This is probably the only way to get out of the haze of the epidemic.