Cities with four urbanization rates exceeding 90%of the Chinese Pearl River Delta region.Among them, Foshan reached 95.2%, Dongguan reached 92.2%, and Zhuhai also reached 90.8%.

According to the First Financial Report, through 45 municipalities, planned cities, provincial capital cities, Suzhou, Dongguan, Foshan and other large -scale urbanization rates with a large amount of economic aggregateThe urbanization rate is generally higher than that of China's average, of which more than 80%of the cities are more than 80%, and the urbanization rate of six cities exceeds 90%, and Shenzhen ranks first with 99.8%.

Cities with more than 90%of the six urbanization rates are Shenzhen, Urumqi, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai and Xiamen.

From the perspective of regional distribution, four cities with more than 90%of the six urbanization rates are located in the Pearl River Delta region.Among them, Foshan reached 95.2%, Dongguan reached 92.2%, and Zhuhai also reached 90.8%.In addition, first -tier cities Guangzhou reached 86.5%.At present, the urbanization rate of the entire Pearl River Delta region is as high as 87.5%, which is the same as Beijing and slightly lower than Shanghai.The other two cities with more than 90%of the urbanization rates were Urumqi and Xiamen, with 96.1%and 90.1%, respectively.

Peng Peng, executive chairman of the Guangdong Provincial System Reform Research Association, analyzed that the area of the Pearl River Delta is small and is the urban group with the highest population density across the country. At present, the Pearl River Delta cities are basically seamlessly connected.

If you expand to prefecture -level and above cities, some ordinary prefecture -level urbanization rates in the western region are very high.In addition, Baotou also reached 86.7%.

Researcher Niu Fengrui, a researcher at the City Development and Environmental Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed that these cities are mainly places with low population density, and the surrounding agricultural resources are poor, so the agricultural population is relatively small.Secondly, some cities are developed by dependence on the development of mineral resources, and the population of mineral development is non -agricultural.