Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Wei Feng, and on Friday (December 9), emphasized that China's core interests cannot be violated. Taiwan is Taiwan in China. No external forces have the right to intervene in interference.The Chinese army has a firm will and a strong ability to defeat all enemies and resolutely maintain national reunification. No one should underestimate the determination of the Chinese army to be firm.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Ministry of Defense", Wei Fenghe was invited to give a video speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Organization and Independence State Consortium Member State National Defense Minister.The game of cooperation and confrontation has become increasingly prominent.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held recently, more clearly proposed to build a community of human destiny. This is the only way for humans to deal with security challenges, get out of the dilemma of development, and achieve long -term security.

Wei Fenghe emphasized that unity should be used instead of division, cooperation instead of confrontation, and tolerance with tolerance instead of him.He said that China showed the responsibility of a great country in the crisis of the situation, China ’s development provides more opportunities for the world, and the Chinese army contributes to the world's peace and peace.China's core interests cannot be violated. Taiwan is Taiwan in China. Any external forces have no right to intervene in interference.The Chinese army has a firm will and a strong ability to defeat all enemies and resolutely maintain national reunification. No one should underestimate the determination of the Chinese army to be firm.

Wei Fenghe also said that in the face of the multiple security challenges of the Asia -Europe mainland, countries should promote the spirit of the United Nations Charter, practice global security initiative, adhere to the "Shanghai spirit", strengthen coordination and cooperation of all parties, and properly handle hot issues.Together, it contributes to the long -lasting peace and general prosperity of the region.