A large number of users sent news on the Internet on Thursday (November 17) that Huawei has suspended the 2023 -session campus recruitment, and many school recruitment has disbanded.In this regard, a Huawei recruitment system revealed that the school recruitment was still in progress, and there was no notice of receiving non -recruitment. The news of the suspension of school recruitment may be because some businesses were suspended.

According to interface news reports, as of this month, the official recruitment accounts of Huawei recruitment of official accounts, Huawei Wireless, Finance, Cloud and other business are still renewing job recruitment needs, and job applicants can continue to submit resumes.

But a fresh graduate who participated in Huawei school recruitment revealed that this year's Huawei school recruitment "awards" progress is significantly compared to previous years.In mid -October last year, there were a large number of offers on major forums, but this year's distribution progress was much slower.On the websites such as the pulse, cattle, Xiaohongshu and other websites, there are still fresh graduates waiting for Huawei OFFER.

While the progress of school recruitment slows down, Huawei OD (OutsourCingDispatcher, non -core labor dispatch, refers to outsourcing) is released a large number of recruitment positions.Compared with formal positions, OD is different in terms of equity incentives, work card rights, and salary structure.It is understood that this is one of Huawei's current main forms of social recruitment, and a few outstanding people can be converted to Huawei's official position.

Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei mentioned in the internal speech that Huawei ’s 2022 school recruitment plan recruits 8,000 fresh graduates, but the 2023 recruitment plan has not been made public.