In view of the increase in uncertainties in the future expected expectations, the US Investment Bank Morgan Stanley on Thursday (October 27) has significantly lowered China's major stock indexes in all situations and expanded the situation of bull markets and bear market situations.Bitage gap.

According to Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley predicts that by June 2023, the MSCI China index may fall by 22%in the bear market situation, and the bull market may rise by 48%.Strategists "confirmed the extensive potential results, which caused profit, and especially risk premiums, and differentiation."

Although the bank's consideration is the most likely situation, the stock market should rise from the current level, but its bear market predicts that investors will lose confidence in the benefits -based valuation method and focus on focusing onEvaluate asset valuations through a net ratio and dividend rate.

The difference between the target points in the context of its bull market and bear market expand from the previous 28 points to 34 points.Lola Huang (translated) and other strategists said in a report on Wednesday (26th) that the target point reduces the market fluctuations and risk premiums have risen."The market may continue to argue in the future policy focus and the direction of the economic and social agenda, as well as geopolitical relations in the multi -pole world."Land -owned stocks were sold in panic, causing the market value of China's stock market to evaporate more than 440 billion US dollars (S $ 618.7 billion) on Monday (24th).Bloomberg reported that the market emotions became so bad, and even evoked people's memories of the global financial crisis, and foreign capital withdrew from the pace of record to withdraw from the Chinese stock market.

Rogo Huang and his team maintain a flat rating of China in emerging markets and Asian asset allocation.Between the two sessions, there may be a vacuum period with unknown policies.

It is reported that they are still optimistic about A shares compared to Chinese stocks listed abroad.