Li Banghua, deputy director of the Pension Service Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China on Wednesday (October 26), said that the proportion of Chinese empty nest elderly has more than half, some large cities and rural areas, and the proportion of the elderly in the empty nest elderly people.Even more than 70%.

According to the Sino -Singapore Jingwei report, Li Banghua stated at a regular press conference in the Ministry of Civil Affairs that in order to implement the decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with the Central Political and Legal Commission, the Central Civilization Office and other departments and units jointly issued jointly issued and issued jointly issues and units and units.Regarding the guidance of special difficulties for the elderly to visit the care service, it made an institutional arrangement in visiting care services, and focused on resolving special difficulties such as resolute lives, empty nests, left -behind, disabled, disabled, family planning special families, and other special difficulties.The risk of pension security can better meet the needs of basic pension services.

It is reported that the opinion clearly clarifies the work connotation of visiting care services, that is, visiting Caring Service is the government -led, social participation in society, and understanding special difficulties through regular approach, telephone video, remote monitoring and other methods to understand special difficultiesIn the living conditions of the elderly, the supporters and supporters are urged to fulfill their support and support obligations, and services such as policy publicity explanations, demand referrals, and necessary rescue are provided according to actual needs.

Talking about why the unified deployment of special difficulties in the country has visited the care service of special difficulties, Li Banghua pointed out that as of the end of 2021, the population of 60 and over the country reached 267 million, accounting for 18.9%of the total population. It is expected that "During the 14th Five -Year Plan period, the total population of the elderly at the age of 60 and above will exceed 300 million, accounting for more than 20%. China will enter moderate aging. Pension services have become an important part of actively responding to the aging of the population.In the pension service system, home care is a traditional Chinese pension model, and it is also the willingness to choose from most families and elderly people.

Li Banghua said: "According to the survey, the proportion of elderly people in the empty nest in my country is currently more than half. In some large cities and rural areas, the proportion of elderly people in empty nests is even more than 70%. Or other family members live together, facing many inconvenience or difficulties, or even hidden dangers of safety risks.

Li Banghua said that the opinions of the opinions have been implemented in depth, and the decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has fully summarized the experience and practices of various places, and formed an institutional arrangement of special difficulties to visit care services for the elderly. There are four main aspects of its purpose.The first is to prevent risks, help special difficulties to discover and eliminate safety risks in time in home pensions, and strengthen emergency rescue of emergencies.The second is to send warmth, the third is strong service, and the fourth is to promote harmony.