After China's housing prices fell for the 13th consecutive month, Chinese official media issued a post again emphasizing that "housing does not speculate", and said that the real estate industry will maintain policy fixed force, towards further realizing high -quality development, improving the quality of living and living qualityEfforts.

The National Statistics Bureau of China released data on Monday (October 24) that the price of new commercial housing in 70 large and medium -sized cities in China in September fell 0.28%month -on -month, which was basically the same as the decline in August.Fall a month.

The official media Economic Daily posted on Wednesday (26th) that the current Chinese real estate market is still in a certain downward trend. From January to September this year, China's real estate development investment has decreased by 8.0%year -on -year.

However, the article pointed out that although the "Golden Nine Silver Ten" sales season is insufficient this year, the discount promotions of housing companies and the amount of price replacement have improved the sales of commercial housing, especially the sales of new housing.In the month of September, the sales area and sales of newly -built commercial housing increased by more than 30%month -on -month. The cumulative decline in sales and sales from January to September narrowed.

The article also pointed out that the intensive issued in some cities at the end of September relaxed the lower limit of interest rates in some cities 'first housing loans, lowered the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan, and the personal income tax for residents' purchase of housingIt reflects the government's determination to stabilize the real estate market.At the same time, due to the policy of urban policies, the localities have actively introduced relevant regulatory measures to stable land prices, stable housing prices, and stable expectations. Policy superposition helps all parties to restore confidence in the real estate industry.

The article also emphasized that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the house should be used to live, not for speculation, and accelerate the establishment of a housing system for multi -main supply, multi -channel guarantee, and rent purchase.The Chinese real estate market has achieved a stable and healthy development and improved the housing security system.The article also states that this shows that China will maintain policy fixed power in the field of housing, and the real estate market will work hard in the direction of further realizing high -quality development and improving the quality of living and life of the people.

The article pointed out that after the first proposal of the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference at the end of 2016, the "house housing does not speculate" has become a widespread consensus, and it is also the fundamental follow of real estate work in the past few years.Under the positioning of "housing and not frying", the housing returns more to residential attributes, instead of mentioning real estate, people first think of speculating speculation.In the past, under the strong atmosphere of the speculation of real estate, house prices soared. In the long run, it will not only harm the macroeconomic economy, but also hinders the residence of residents.

The article states that insisting on "housing does not stir -fry" is an important manifestation of putting the foothold of real estate development on people's livelihood.As the real estate field is financially educated and the foaming momentum has been substantially reversed, the reasonable demand for residents' reasonable house purchase will be fully guaranteed, and the demand and improving housing demand will be better satisfied.

The article pointed out that China will further improve the housing market system and housing security system in the future.Among them, the housing market system will keep up with market demand and provide a wealth of housing supply for buyers. The housing security system is mainly guaranteed and pocked by the government.

The article also said that rent and purchase means that housing leasing will play a more important role in solving housing problems.For a long time, the Chinese housing market has been re -purchase of light rental. In the past few years, the weight of housing leasing in solving the problem of residence has gradually increased.At present, China is accelerating the shortcomings of housing rental.Driven by market leasing housing demand, under the leadership of related policies, housing leasing is expected to develop more mature and perfect.In the process, affordable rental housing focusing on solving the difficulties of the majority of new citizens and young people will become the focus.

The article emphasizes that high -quality development is the primary task of China's comprehensive construction of socialist modern countries.For the real estate industry, the support of promoting high -quality development is to further promote new urbanization with human -artistic cores and accelerate the citizen of agricultural transfer of population. In this process, there are still a large number of housing demand to meet.

The article said that in order to promote the high -quality development of the real estate industry, it will continue to implement a long -term real estate mechanism.Real estate regulation is due to urban policies, one city and one policy, enhance the coordination and accuracy of regulatory policies, support rigid and improved housing needs, curb speculative speculation, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.Strive to achieve stable price, housing prices, and expected goals.