Jiao Weixin, a professor at the School of Earth and Space Sciences of Peking University, and deputy director of the China Space Exploration Professional Committee, said that the preliminary research on China ’s manned lunar exploration has been carried out.Compared with, China's manned lunar exploration will consider the construction of the moon and the moon scientific research base, and pay more attention to the achievement of scientific results.

According to the Chengdu Business Daily, Jiao Weixin introduced that China's detection of the moon has completed the three -phase project of the Chang'e project planning.The previous detectors, such as "Chang'e 3" and "Chang'e 5", mainly landed in the low and medium latitudes of the moon.If there is no accident, the next -step exploration of the moon, such as "Chang'e 6" and "Chang'e 7" and other detectors will mainly detect the Antarctica of the moon.

"Multiple aerospace powers will look at the moon's Antarctic, human beings should explore the moon in the future, and the Antarctic heat will appear."EssenceBecause the moon's rotation axis is almost perpendicular to the solar system, and the moon's Antarctic is densely covered with many meteoritic pits, it is a permanent shadow area, which may not see the sun in how many years, and it is at a very low temperature. Therefore, there is a solid volatile substance in theory.Judging from the early detection, these volatile substances include water ice.After calculation, scientists believe that there may be a large amount of ice in the permanent shadow area of the Moon Antarctica, which is of great significance to human exploration.

Jiao Weixin said: "In addition, there are other different ingredients in volatile substances, which have very important scientific significance to our study of the development of the moon and even the change of the solar output."

Public information shows that after Apollo landed on the moon, the United States Aeronautics Aviation Administration (NASA) once again proposed a new manned moon landing plan to send two astronauts to the moon around 2025.A certain position.Several aerospace powers have also proposed to explorate on the moon or carry the moon as soon as possible, and choose the location of the moon on the moon at the Antarctica of the moon without exception.

Jiao Weixin introduced that China began a preliminary research on the moon landing of the moon many years ago. In 2010, he also led the research team to undertake the research on the scientific goal of China ’s manned moon landing.

For the realization of manned landing in the United States in July 1969, how will China be different from the moon's moon in more than half a century? Jiao Weixin said thatIt was carried out under the drive of the Space Contest during the Cold War. The scientific goal was not in the most important position.And China's manned lunar detection will consider the manned moon landing and the establishment of a moon base, conduct on -site scientific research on the moon, and strive to obtain more scientific results.

Jiao Weixin also said that the space station combination consisting of Tianhe's core compartment, Qi Tian experimental cabin, Shenzhou 14, Tianzhou -4, is currently running on the space track 400 kilometers away from Earth.Soon after, the Mengtian Experimental Curring will also join them.Before the end of this year, China Space Station will eventually complete the "T -shaped" construction task.Technically speaking, the moon version of the moon base is nothing more than a moon version. Combining the actual situation of the moon, the structure and experimental device of the space station are transformed. The space station that surrounds the earth will be transported to the moon, and a preliminary lunar base can be established.The stronger the rocket's launch capacity, the more materials transported to the moon, and the better the construction of the moon base.

As a carrier tool that enters space, the carrier rocket is the prerequisite and foundation of all space activities, and also determines the height of manned space engineering.Jiao Weixin introduced that China currently has the largest take -off quality, and the Long March 5 carrier rocket with the Chang'e -5 detector to the ground monthly transfer orbit has a take -off quality of 896 tons.Essence

Jiao Weixin introduced that China is developing the Long March 9 heavy -duty rocket. The task plan is expected to achieve its first fly around 2028.However, the successful launch can be used for manned aerospace immediately, and it is necessary to work hard in reliability verification.