Shanghai Wednesday (October 26)Crown disease vaccine is strengthened.

According to the First Financial report, the Shanghai Municipal News Office announced on October 25 that according to the work deployment of the China State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism, Shanghai will start inhalation with reorganized crown vaccines (5The adenovic vector) strengthens the registration of immune appointments, and starts to enhance the free immune vaccination procedure from October 26.

This is also the first large -scale enhancement of immunization for the first time since the admission of the China State Drug Administration's emergency use of authorization.

Last month, China approved the first inhaled coronary vaccine, which was produced by Kangshino Bio.

According to the vaccination requirements, the dosage of the inhaling dosage type is 0.1ml each time.Kangxino's previous research showed that under the premise of ensuring a stronger immune response, inhaled vaccines can save the vaccine dose compared with muscle injection.The antibody response generated by the use of 0.1ml or 0.2ml inhaled vaccine as a enhanced subject was significantly higher than the muscle injection 0.5ml of activation vaccine, and its dosage could be low to 20%of the activated vaccine.

According to the above view of the news, the inhaled vaccine and muscle injection use the same formula formula, which only takes different administration methods.Through a small -sized water dispenser's size machine, the atomized vaccine is installed into a inhaled device. The vaccinator faces the "cup mouth" first.The whole vaccination process is less than 1 minute.

After the vaccine is inhaled into the respiratory tract, mucous membrane immunity is formed, thereby completing the first line of defense to the virus.