

Jingqiang Xinyun

Standing Committee Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China Sunday (October 23) people in the Beijing peopleThe Golden Hall of the Great Hall met with Chinese and foreign reporters. Following the Chinese official, Li Qiang, the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.

He has a serious expression and cautious steps. Before walking on the podium, he stays on the stage for a while, maintaining a greater distance from the Chinese officials in front.

As the newly appointed Standing Committee of the Politburo, "No. 2 Person", Li Qiang is expected to change Li Keqiang in March next year (the annual meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC), becoming the new head of the Chinese government.At that time, the Chinese State Council will bid farewell to the Li Keqiang era and enter the Li Qiang era.

In this high -level re -election of the Communist Party of China, Li Qiangsheng was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Politburo and sorted the second more than many people.

When Li Qiang entered the Politburo five years ago and served as the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the outside world was optimistic that he would be more upper.

Some public opinion believes that the previous accurate epidemic prevention in Shanghai was successful for a while, and Li Qiang showed the policy tolerance and pioneering. Later, Fengcheng did not dispel his credit; more importantly, his epidemic in ShanghaiIt was dealt with and eventually "winning the Battle of the Greater Shanghai" and was recognized by the Communist Party of China.

63 -year -old Li Qiang is from Ruian, Zhejiang, and Ruian is a highly developed Wenzhou in the private economy.He worked as a worker in his early years. After the Cultural Revolution, he entered the Ningbo Branch of Zhejiang Agricultural University. From 2003 to 2005, he studied at the School of Management of Hong Kong Institute of Technology to study for a master's degree in business management.

The most significant label on Li Qiang is "".While serving as the Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, he was the official "big housekeeper" of the then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee.In addition to this label, what are the characteristics of this high -drying of the upcoming Chinese government, and what style will the State Council under his leadership be showed?

Li Qiang's career is mainly concentrated in the economic and developed southeast coastal areas. These governance experience believes that it is his biggest advantage.In the past 10 years, he has served as the governor of Zhejiang Province, the secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.This has accumulated rich experience in promoting economic openness and integration.

The public reports of the Chinese media show that Li Qiang attached great importance to deepening reform and simplifying administration and decentralization during his time as the governor.government".He also focused on the development of characteristic towns and information economies. At the first World Internet Conference in 2014, Li Qiang particularly praised Zhejiang's grassroots economy, entrepreneurial culture and open integrity when he gave a keynote speech.In the five years of his main government in Shanghai, Shanghai also ushered in the landing of science and technology boards and Tesla construction factories.

Some businessmen commented that Li Qiang's style is pragmatic and has no bureaucratic atmosphere. He is close to business and businessmen. During the period of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shanghai, he cooperates closely with business leaders and transnational company executives to promote openness and development.

However, only the experience of governance in coastal areas will also be a challenge facing Li Qiang.China's vast region, uneven development in various places, and huge differences in the social and cultural environment. Whether the governance experience in economically developed regions can be used in a wider central and western region will be unknown.As the helm of the Chinese government in the future, Li Qiang has no work experience in the State Council and lacks familiarity with the operation of the State Council, but this shortcoming is expected to make up soon.The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China will hold a meeting on Wednesday (October 26) to Sunday (October 30). It is likely that Li Qiang, who has been promoted to the Standing Committee of the Politburo as the Deputy Prime Minister, and let him have four months before the official prime minister.Internship".

Li Qiang's career is obviously promoted by the Communist Party of China. How will he handle the relationship between the "government" will also affect the positioning and governance direction of the State Council in the future.

In the 10 years when Li Keqiang was serving as the Prime Minister, the "core" was restored within the Communist Party of China. The General Secretary realized "set a prince", and the power of the State Council's system was gradually squeezed.During this period, Zhongnanhai also reported the "dispute between the North and South Academy", that is, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Zhongnan Hainan Institute) and the State Council (Zhongnanhai North Court) had inconsistent pace and different opinions in economic policy.

The "dispute between the North and South Academy" will no longer exist in the Li Qiang era.In the future, the State Council believes that it will be more inclined to the implementation of the policy rather than decision -making. From the close relationship between Li Qiang and the Chinese official, he is expected to be a loyal executor of decision -making.Looking positively, this will be fully implemented by the high -level policies of the central government, but it also means that the senior management will be more biased towards group thinking. Once the policy goes off, it is difficult to have a mechanism for correction.However, some optimists believe that Li Qiang's influence will be greater than his predecessor. The Chinese official's trust in him allows him to have some space that can promote the development of policies in the direction of relatives and business.

The State Council led by Li Qiang is expected to have a period of running -in period and eventually form a new style.What changes will this new style bring to China's economic and people's livelihood remains to be observed, but it is certain that the State Council of the Li Qiang era will not play the "firewall" of the South Court.The northern courtyard will definitely affect the South Court.