British Tuesday (25th) ushered in the first Indian descentprime minister.Turs, the shortest term in the country's history, has not fell back. The youngest new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the youngest new Prime Minister in the UK, has become the focus of the topic.

Sunak, who is 42 years old and believes in Hinduism, was born in an Indian immigrant family in Southampton, England.Parents are the middle class from East Africa to Britain. His father is a general doctor and his mother runs his own pharmacy.

Sunak has gone to Buckingham Palace to meet King Charles III on Tuesday (October 25) and was authorized to formally serve as British Prime Minister.After being elected as a conservative party on Monday, Sunak's ancestral home, his origin, his rich wife, and his "big face" towards China all walked to the spotlight again.

Sonak, who is pragmatic in China

Sunak, who was born in the background of the financial and economic background, has been regarded as a "pragmatic faction" to China.On July 1st last year, he said in a lecture on a key policy of the British Financial Secretary at the Mansion House as a British Treasury Secretary that Britain must strengthen economic and trade relations with China.

Sunak last year 7 last year 7 last year 7 last year.On the 1st, in the Mansion House, in the Mansion House, a key policy speaker of the British Finance Secretary said that Britain must strengthen economic and trade relations with China.(Agence France -Presse)

Sunak said that London's financial city has the ability to provide services for China's "financial service market with total assets worth 40 trillion pounds".

Sunak said: "Some people think that we should either cut off all connections, or only pay attention to business opportunities and sacrifice values. But noneThe relationship between the country. "

"In fact, China is one of the most important economies in the world, and it is also a country where values are completely different from us. We need a mature and balanced relationship. This means that we have to open our eyes and see.To their international influence, we must continue to adhere to our principles and positions on the issue of violating our values. "

Sunak’s statement is summarized by the British independent newspaper."If you want to have cakes and want to eat cakes," on the one hand, you want to strengthen economic and trade with China, on the other hand, you must adhere to your own principles on the issue of values.Independent reported that it is impossible for a balanced relationship to achieve a balanced relationship between the two.

Due to the pragmatic attitude of Sunak's display of China, the English version of the Chinese official media Police Times on July 14 this year, that is, before the election of the British Prime Minister, Shanck said that competition becomes conservative conservatively.Among the candidates of the party leader, the only candidate who "holds a clear and pragmatic attitude towards the development of British -Chinese relations", but this statement was ironic by the British Daily Mail: "This is the endorsement of no one's want".

The fact is true.Sunak's attitude towards China's "clear and pragmatic" did not obtain political points for him. He far behind competitors Trasse in many surveys at that time.

The election declaration is tough to China

In the campaign debate with Tras on July 24 this year, Sonak was accused of "weakness" by Tellas.Throwing a number of "making China" measures to show its tough attitude towards China.

Sonak (left left (left left) After being accused of "weakness" in the campaign debate with the Tras (right) on July 24 this year, a number of "manufacturing" measures were thrown out to show its tough attitude towards China.(Reuters)

Sunak changes the gentle style and pointed out: "China is the number one threat of Britain and global security." He said that he would close all 30 Confucius colleges in the UK to prevent China from spreading through culture and language.Soft power; higher education institutions are required to disclose foreign funds of more than 50,000 pounds (about S $ 83,100) and review their research partners in order to "drive the Chinese government out of British universities."

According to the latest report of the "China Research Group" set up by the British Senior Conservative Party MP, 30 Confucius Institutes in Britain are the most among all countries.The report also stated that the teachers of the Confucius Institute would be warned not to talk about political issues including Taiwan and Tibet.

Some members of the British cross -party Parliament also negotiated with Taiwan to introduce Chinese teachers last month to gradually replace the Confucius Institute with the official background of mainland China.

In addition, Sunak also proposed that five military conditions (MI5) of the British National Security Intelligence Institution will assist in cracking down on Chinese espionage and seeking to establish an international cooperation of "NATO -style" to deal with China's networkthreaten.

At the same time, it will also explore the possibility of prohibiting China from acquiring key British assets, including strategic sensitivity technology companies.

Sunak also pointed out that China "steal our technology and penetrates our university in the United Kingdom", and "supports" Russian President Putin by purchasing Russian oil in Russia abroad, and trying to bully Taiwan, including Taiwan,Neighbors inside.

Sunak also criticized China's "Belt and Road" plan to carry out the global "Belt and Road" plans worldwide, describing the plan "to make the debt that is difficult to repay in developing countries", and "to reduce the exchange rate of the RMB and continuously manipulate the exchange rate of the RMB, constantly manipulating manipulation, constantly manipulating manipulationThe global economy is conducive to China. "

Many analysis believes that the main reason why Sunak suddenly "from pigeons to eagle" in the election debate was to turn the tide in a large backward situation.

A Chinese diplomatic issue scholar who did not want to disclose his name said in an interview with the Global Times the next day that Sonak's "face change" has a very strong speculative color and is a typical politician operation.In order to pull up the election and improve the support rate, Sonak adopted the election strategy of "tough" with the opponent.This reflects the British political elite group that is filled with an atmosphere of unfriendly to China. This atmosphere is like a large dye tank.Triggeoning and unprecedented accusing China of becoming Britain's political correctness.

Jian Junbo, deputy director of the China -Europe Research Center of Fudan University International Issues Research Institute, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency on the same day.Become one of the important agenda in the UK, but in the British political ecology, anti -China has become the mainstream, even a "political correctness".

Before clarifying the policy of China, other challenges faced by Sonak

There is no doubt that Sunak stands out this time.Quickly step down.

Tellas is ruling rulingIt proposed a plan to stimulate the economy through tax cuts during the high inflation period, which caused investors to panic, and she stepped down quickly.(Reuters)

Trams proposed in a short governanceDuring the high inflation period, the plan to stimulate the economy through tax cuts caused investors to panic, resulting in a record low in the pound, and prompting the British Central Bank to interfere with the bond market to stabilize the price of British Treasury bonds.

This also proves that Sunak's previous judgment was correct.He had criticized Tras at the time as "a promise that could not be achieved to everyone. Fish and bear's paw are not available", and it also clearly stated that before tax cuts, British inflation problems were needed before tax cutting.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States pointed out that the success of the young Indian prime minister depends on how he manages the increasing challenge facing the British economy.However, it may not be the most difficult to banker Sunak.

It is reported that another challenge he is facing is how to unite the conservative party that has been constantly consumed in the past for many years and the impaired image in front of the public.This may be even more tricky for Sonak, who is not known for political means.

The rich wife of Indian -based people

In addition, Sunak's wealthy family and the rich wife also questioned critics whether he can suffer.

Sonak, who studied the aristocratic school from a young age, entered Oxford and entered the internationally renowned investment bank Goldman Sachs as an executive. Then he went to Stanford, the United States to study MBA, and met his wife -India's "IT industryThe father of "Nalanna.Akshata Murty, the daughter of Narayana Murthy.

Nalanna.Multi is the Indian billionaire, known as "India Bi Gates". Infosys he founded was the first Indian company listed on Wall Street. At the beginning of this year, the market value was $ 100 billion.The British media estimates that this year's 222 most of the Rich and 222 Sunak couples in the UK have a total of 730 million pounds of wealth, which is comparable to the British royal members.

When Sunak officially announced the election of the Prime Minister for the first time at the end of July this year, 21 years ago, a series of documentary middle class launched by Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):Dig out.

21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana Shana> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana Shana Shana> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana Shana> Sona's Sona Naaaa> 21-year-old Sona Shana Shana> Sona's Sona ShanaIn the BBC film, he was asked "Friend's Circle": "I have noble friends, I have upper -class friends, I have a working class friend ... Uh, there is no working class." (Video interception)

The noble boarding school with expensive tuition fees -Sunak from Wimetchest Public School was asked in the film and said: "I have noble friends, I have upper class friends, I have workers, I have workersClass friend ... Uh, there is no working class. "

Sunak's wife's wife's wife also caused controversy due to the use of" non -settors "in the UK to avoid taxation.Later, under the pressure of public opinion, she promised to change the tax arrangement.

Because of working and living in the United States before, Sunak also took the US green card. It was not until last year that after serving as the Treasury Minister, facing the pressure of public opinion and political opponents, he abandoned the identity of the American permanent residence.

At the same time, as the first Indian prime minister in British history, although he was born and grew up in the UK and received traditional British aristocratic education, his ancestors still gave Indian public opinion more attention or evenexpect.

The news that "Sunak is expected to take over as the British Prime Minister" occupies the top version of India's major newspapers and appears on most Indian English website headlines.

The identity of the Sunak ethnic minorities may also be a factor that affects his foreign policy since then.

Sunak, who entered the politics at the age of 35, entered No. 10 Tangning Street in only seven years.However, after he came to power, he would sacrifice heavy measures to practice his tough commitment to China during his election. It still takes time to observe.

Sunak entered No. 10 Tangning Street in only seven years.(Agence France -Presse)

Hu Xijin, former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, believes that Sunak criticized China in the last round of elections.EssenceSo his attitude towards Sunak was "optimistic".

This optimistic view also echoed the English version of the Global Times in July this year.In the latest report, the newspaper also quoted expert analysis that Sunak, who has a financial and economic background, is expected to take stable treatment of domestic issues as the primary task, which means that he may avoid the aggressive words adopted by Tras and cope with the cope.There will be no major changes in Russian or China policies.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on Monday that although Sunak was labeled with the Hua Eagle School, Sunak was considered more pragmatic than Turlas and hinted that it also hintedThe style will be different from Tras.

The new Prime Minister also made a clear speech on Monday that his primary task is to achieve economic stability and call on the Conservative Party to unite.Sunak, who was born in investment banks and good at finance, was very clear that before the relationship with China, Britain's precarious economic difficulties were the urgent need for his most needed to solve.